V i t a m i n P?

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Meredith was always cornering Addison, eveey now and then to shoot her pick up line. This time she glides at Addison's back and hold the tiles to stop herself.

Addison sighed and looked up, she rose an eyebrow. Meredith wiggle her eyebrows, "How are you?" she asked and looked down at the chart that Addison is reading.

"I am fine, until I saw you," she said and closed the chart. Meredith puckered her lips then smiled again.

"I ruin.. Your day?" Meredith asked, Addison faced her. Mark and Derek was lurking from the corner. Eavesdropping on what Meredith and Addison's talking about.

"Can I shoot my pi---" Addison put her index finger at the blonde's lips, the latter blushed lightly. Her heart starts beating so fast. Addison smirked and leaned. Meredith's eyes widened, she froze on her spot.

"The kind of Vitamin P that I like.." Addison said. Meredith bit her lower lip. "So, you are.. Going to-okay, wait what?" she asked.

Addison chuckles sexily, she leaned on Meredith's ear and look straight at Derek and Mark. "The kind of Vitamin P that I like doesn't come from the sun," she whispered.

Meredith suddenly realized what she is saying, she blushed like a tomato. Her jaw hit the floor and looked at Addison with wide eye and jaw dropped.

"Excuse me? Vitamin D is the one that we get from the sun," Derek said, interrupting the conversation of the two women.

Mark rolled his eyes, "Because they don't like Vitamin D?" he said. Derek looked confused at them.

"I like Pussy over Dick," Addison said. "But you married me?" Derek asked. Mark, Meredith and Addison looked at him like they want to do something bad at him. "Well, you are divorced," Meredith said.

"We are dating," Derek said and looked at the blonde. Meredith fake like she is throwing up. "Says who?" she asked. Addison wrapped her arms around Meredith's waist.

"She is not even gay!" Derek said and points at Addison. "Derek.. What's the reason why you two divorced each other?" Mark asked.

"I saw her in the bedroom with 2 no 3 women on it," Derek stated while looking at Mark.

Addison, Meredith and Mark stare at him. Derek's eyes widened. "Oh god, YOU ARE GAY!"

Addison and Meredith chuckles and kissed each other, Mark's palm landed on his forehead.

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