S t a r i n g G o n e W r o n g

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This is a short short ficlet. Miss y'all</3 Sorry for not updating. I hope everyone is doing fine right now. Keep safe y'all! Enjoy<3

Meredith was staring.. Again..

That is the nth time that Addison caught Meredith staring at her.

It's not a big deal when someone is staring..

But Meredith was staring at her lips while she was talking.

That's the problem!

She wants to ravish her lips when Meredith licks her lower lip, when Addison do so.

Meredith fake a cough and look at the chart in front of her when she felt Addison caught her again.

There's something about the redhead's lips that makes her look at them.

Addison sighed before putting the ballpen down.

Meredith looked at her.

Addison saw how Meredith swallowed hard.

That was the last straw.

Addison hold Meredith's hand and pull her on the nearest supply room.

Meredith's eyes widened but she let Addison tug her.

Addison close the door as she slightly push the blonde inside.

She locked the door and deep a sigh before looking at the blonde.

Meredith took a step back.

Addison smirks and took a step forward towards the blonde.

Meredith looked at Addison's lips.

She licked her lip before uttering, “Are you going to hit me when I kiss you?”

Addison's breath hitched and red tint crept on her neck to her cheeks.

She calm herself down a bit before answering the blonde.

“I might if you don't,” Addison whispers.

Meredith hold her waist and crash her lips on the redhead's.

crdts: creativepromptsforwriting on Tumblr on the cute dialogue prompts.

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