Z o l a

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A/N: While writing the Humming I guess this comes on my mind. And I can't help but to write it down. I'm still not done with the other one shot, it's so long and I don't know how to end it 😭

“Mommy..” A voice of her older daughter makes Meredith stirred, she rubbed her eyes and sat down on the bed.

“Yes, Zola?” she asked and tapped the bed. A hand wrapped on Meredith's waist.

“I can't sleep..” Zola said, Addison stirred and sat down. She looked besides the bed and saw it was 3 in the morning, Meredith stood up making the redhead's arms falls on the bed.

“You can sleep with us..” Addison trailed, after the death of Derek, Zola was really hard to reach. She is also mad when she found out that Addison was sleeping on her parents room.

“Can I?” Zola softly asked, Meredith smiled and tugged the hand of her daughter making their way on the bed.

“You want me to sleep on the couch?” Addison asked Meredith, but Zola shook her head and smiled.

“Can I sleep with the both of you? I promise I am not snoring,” Zola said, making Addison laughed a bit and Meredith make a face.

“I am not.. Okay but I'm not loud when I snore..” Meredith said and frowned. Zola lay down and Meredith lay also. Zola was in the middle, Meredith and Addison was playing Zola's hair, making the child back to sleep.

Addison smiled to Meredith and mouthed, ‘I love you’ and the blonde mouthed ‘I love you too’

The couple go back to sleep again..

Meredith was the first one to wake up, she smiled while looking at Zola who's hugging Addison. She took her phone to capture the moment.

Addison stirred when she heard the camera, she rubbed her eyes. “Take some more sleep, Addie. I will look for the two and will come back if they're still sleeping,” Meredith said and kissed Addison's nose, making the redhead to smile.

She closed her eyes again and hugged Zola.

Bailey and Henry was still sleeping, Meredith was about to enter the room when she heard Zola.

She stopped and listened on her first born.

“I know my Mommy loves you,” Zola said, Addison chuckles a bit. “I love her too,” Meredith can't help but to smile.

She was caught off guard with what Zola said, “If I will let you on my Mommy's life, will you promise not to hurt her or leave her like what my Daddy did?” Meredith doesn't know that Derek's death has a big impact on Zola.

“I can't promise not to hurt your Mom, but I promise not to leave her. Even when you love someone, you still can hurt them, that's love,” Addison said, Meredith stopped herself from chuckling.

The ruler of all that is evil is speaking about love..

“I don't understand,” Zola said. “Soon, you will,” Addison said. Then it became silent, Meredith tried to put her ears on the door.

The door suddenly opened, causing Meredith to fall on Addison's body.

Zola gasped, Meredith's eyes widened while Addison held the blonde's waist.

“Ah! Fck!” Addison screamed when they fall on the floor.

“Momma! That's bad!” Addison and Meredith looked at Zola, “Did she just..” Addison trailed, Meredith smiled, “She called you Momma,” and kissed the redhead's lips.

Meredith stood up and she helped the redhead to stand also.

“Eavesdropping, Mrs. Montgomery-Grey..”

“I'm sorry, Mrs. Montgomery-Grey..”

“Does that means I am Zola Montgomery Grey then?” Zola asked.

Addison and Meredith chuckles.


15:24 * 11th day of June, 2021
588 words

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