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Addison and Meredith was busy preparing breakfast for their kids, Henry and Ellis, that morning. Zola was On Callie's because she wants to overnight with Sophia, Callie and Arizona's daughter.

"Babe, put the jam on the table," Meredith said, Addison kissed her and get the jam. The blonde chuckles, "Copy, babe," Addison said and put the jam on the table.

"Sneaky," Meredith said and playfully rolled her eyes, she walk towards Addison and spank her ass.

The redhead gasped, turn around and wrapped her arms on the blonde's waist, pull the blonde towards her, "You love it when I am sneaky," she whispers and kissed the blonde's cheeks to her jaw.

"Babe.. Henry and Ellis, come on, we did THAT all night, aren't you tired?" Meredith asked and rolled her eyes. Addison smirked, "You know that I will never gets tired of you right?" she said.

They both pull away on each other when they heard footsteps on the stairs. Ellis was rubbing her eyes while walking. Henry was behind her, holding Ellis' hand.

Meredith and Addison smiled, Henry is the youngest but he act like he is the oldest, especially to her baby girl siblings. Well, Henry and Bailey was always having war, but they are both protective on Zola and Ellis.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Addison said and scooped up Ellis, who yawns and buried her face on Addison's neck. Meredith hold Henry and put him on the chair.

Addison swayed a bit, rubbed Ellis' back. She mouths, "She's still sleepy," to Meredith.

The blonde chuckles, "What time did you sleep? Ellis was so tired," Meredith said and put jam on the bread of Henry, who is also yawning.

"Twi," Henry said. Meredith and Addison's eyes widened. "3 am!?" Addison blurts out, Ellis whimpers, the redhead rubs her back again.

"Ywes!" Henry said and start eating his bread.

"Mommy.." Ellis whispered, Meredith put milk on Henry's glass before walking towards Addison and Ellis.

She kissed the redhead's cheek before caressing Ellis' cheeks. "Yes baby?" she whispered.

Ellis slowly open her eyes, Addison and Meredith chuckles lightly when Ellis puckered her lips.

"Why you using razor last night?" she asked.

Meredith's jaw dropped and Addison blushed.

'Oh shit..' they both said on their mind.

"R-razor baby?" Addison asked. Ellis nodded her head.

"Then.. Mommy is screaming, 'Yes Addie!' last night, are you fighting?" Ellis asked, tears formed on her eyes. Henry heard it and his lips began to tremble, Addison points Henry, Meredith walk towards Henry and get him. She carry him and kissed his cheeks.

"Baby.. We are not fighting.." Addison said. She don't know how to explain THAT thing on their children.

"Mommy and Mama is doing the adult thing," Amelia said. Meredith and Addison's eyes widened when Zola said, "Eew!"



Amelia chuckles, "Razor.. 3 am? Tsk, I GOT NEW CEREALS!" she said and put boxes of cereals on the table. The three or 4 children, since Bailey was running down the stairs when he heard cereals.

They all happily eating cereals when Amelia whispered, "You need soundproof room," and get her own bowl and share time also for the kids.

Addison chuckles while Meredith frowned.

Prompt: When your ---- ask why are you using electric razor at 3am. - demi_n_mila (Tiktok)

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