T h e y A r e N o t

676 38 13

A/n: inspired by clexathebest13 's comment:)

"Have you seen Grey?" Callie asked as she walk towards Mark and Derek at the canteen, she sit down the vacant chair.

"Something strange happened," Derek whispered.

Callie smirked, "Oh, what is it?" she whispered back.

Mark sighs and shake his head, "Really Derek?" he asked.

Derek ignored him, "Have you ever calm Addison down?" he asked.

Callie's eyebrow rose up, "Excuse me?" she asked for pardon.

Mark rolled his eyes, "Grey and Red are dating," he said.

Derek groaned, "They're not. So, something happened then Addie was thrashing, her patient died, then-" he stopped when Mark interrupt him, "Meredith came in and calm her down," he said.

"Wow, I can see 2 red flags in front of me," Callie said and bite her apple.

Mark and Derek looked at each other then looked at Callie.

"You," Callie said and points Derek, "You are the ex husband, isn't it a big red flag that you can't even calm your ex wife?" she asked.

"Why would I going to calm my ex wife?" Derek asked.

"Another red flag, you are so selfish, that you want people to calm you down, but you don't want to do it to other, isn't it a shame that your ex girlfriend can calm your ex wife? " Callie asked again.

Derek gulped, the words of Callie sinks in his heart like a double edged sword.

Callie turned to Mark, "And you, your not a total red flag to be honest, but him.." she trailed and points on Derek, "not able to calm his ex wife," looking straight at Mark, "Is like you, you can't calm down your friend?" she asked.

Mark blinks, he thought it was just Derek who is wrong but Callie is right...

They can't calm her down.

Callie stood up, the two men looked at her.

"And oh, by the way, they are dating, I saw them shoving tongue on each other's throat last night at the elevator," she said and get her empty tray and walk away.

"So they're dating," Derek said after a long silence.

Mark's palm landed on his forehead, "They are official, you idiot," he said.

"Are you happy for them?" Derek asked.

Mark looked at him with disbelief, "Are you not? I am. If they are happy with each other, who am I to break their happiness?" Mark asked.

Derek just nod his head. He is not happy, but he will not going to say it.

* * * f l a s h y b a c k * * *


Callie looked around, "Oh gosh, hail Mary full of grace.." she starts praying as she heard something.

"Hmm... M-mer..." someone moaned.

Her eyes widened when the elevator opened, Addison's body was pressed on the corner of the elevator door with a tiny blonde's body.

Addison's legs are around the blonde's waist, hands are roaming on each other's body.

Their lips are attached on each other, Callie blinks when she heard Addie asking something on the unknown blonde.

"W-we n-need t-to stop, ooh~ f-fuvk M-mer, o-office," Addison moaned when the blonde kiss her jaw.

Callie saw how Addie's eyes roll back, holding tight on the blonde's shoulder, like her life was depending on it. Her eyes widened when the petite blonde grope the boobs of Addison.

"Uuurgh-" Addie groans.

"So, so, impatient," the blonde finally said, a whine escaped on Addie's lips.

Callie's jaw dropped, "MEREDITH GREY!?!" she screamed, the two person was startled and froze.

Addison's eyes widened when she saw Callie, the blonde slowly turned around.

Lipstick are smudged on each others lips.

They looked like they fuck each other, which is almost.

The two swallowed hard.

"W-we.. are official," Addison said, after a long silence before the elevator door closes up, leaving her Latina friend's jaw dropped on the floor.

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