Y o u ' l l M a n a g e

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Another fic to hate me:)

Meredith was holding Addison's hand when they sit on the bench, waiting for someone when the blonde looked at her side and saw a woman, a pregnant woman.

The redhead and the blonde smiled at the woman, "She looked like our ZoZo," Meredith whispered, bur enough for the woman to hear, and looked at them with a smile.

Addison smiled back, "She really do, and her smile too, how far long are you?" the redhead asked.

Meredith lean her head on the redhead's shoulder while staring at the woman.

"21 weeks," the woman said and smiled at them, they can see how the tears on the woman's eyes formed then she blinks them away. "Not long to go," Addison said. The woman forced a smile, "It's easy for you to say," the woman whispered.

Meredith sit properly when the woman rubs her stomach and deep a sigh, "Are you alright?" she asked. The woman smiled, "Yes, the baby is just kicking," she said before breathing out again.

"Finding it tough?" Meredith asked. The woman sighed before staring in front of her, then look around, "You'll manage, everyone does," Addison said and hold the hand of Meredith.

"Do they?" The woman asked, wiping her tears. Meredith smiled, "They do," she said.

"How about your family?" Addison asked carefully. Meredith squeeze her hand once she saw the woman stiffen a bit before looking at them, "My.. Mom and Mama was.. sick," the woman said.

Addison and Meredith's face softens, "I'm s..sorry," Addison said. The woman shake her head, "It was.. fine," she said.

"Wanna feel him kicking?" the woman asked. They both looked at each other before smiling and putting their hands above the woman's stomach, they can feel that the baby was really kicking.

"He had a strong kick," Addison said. The woman smiled, "He does," she said. "She's an OB Gyn, with double certification on-" Meredith stopped when Addison chuckles, "What? I'm proud of you okay," Meredith said and playfully roll her eyes.

Addison kissed her temple, "I know, but I am much proud of you," she said. The woman smiled genuinely at them.

"We are colleagues," Meredith said to the woman. Addison amusingly smiled at the blonde, "It was a very complicated and long but happy story," she said. The blonde's cheek flush slightly when she realize what do Addison was talking about.

"I missed the kids," Meredith whispered. Addison smiled, "Why... Are we here again?" Addison asked. They both looked confused at each other.

The woman hold the bag, "Uncle Mark!" she screamed a bit.

Meredith and Addison looked at each other then sit properly and move their hands away. The woman looked at them, "Come on, this is us," she said to them.

They looked puzzled at the woman, until Mark stopped the car in front of them, tears formed their eyes when they realize it was their Zola they're talking to.

Zola smiled and give Mark the bags before holding her parents hand and make them sit on the back seat.

"I love you, no matter what," Meredith whispered.

Addison kissed her forehead, "I love you too, so much," she said.

Meredith smiled softly then lean her head on the redhead's shoulder.

Interlacing their fingers together, Meredith was rubbing her thumb on Addison's thumb, making the redhead to be relaxed then she remembered something she wanna asked.

"Mark.." Addison said, earning the attention of Zola and Mark.

"Yes, Red?" Mark asked.

Addison can feel the eyes of Zola on the rare mirror.

"What.. is our..." she trailed, Meredith hold her hand once the tears are forming her eyes.

"Alzheimers.." Zola said before looking at the window, to hide the tears that kept falling her eyes, a silence filled the air on the whole road trip journey.

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