C o l d

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Meredith was leaning on the elevator door, she stood up properly when Addison came inside. She looked straight at the door.

Addison sighed and pressed the emergency button. “What's wrong, Mer?” she asked and hold the blonde's waist, who sighed and looked away.

“Come on! Seriously? At my birt---” Addison stopped and sighed. Meredith looked at her, coldly. “On your?” she asked.

Addison sighed and shake her head.

They were fighting over something.. Each other's birthday. Addison pressed the button and step backward at the corner of the elevator.

There's a very awkward silence, around them.

The elevator door suddenly opened, Addison was the first to went off the elevator. She froze when someone shouts, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR. MONTGOMERY!!!”

Addison blinks, unable to process things.

Someone was happy to greet her birthday. An arm wrapped on her waist makes her froze again, she sighed in content when she smelled the perfume of the owner of the arms.

“Happy Birthday, Love... ” Meredith whispered.

“So, you are cold and distant because you prepare this?” Addison asked.

Meredith giggles and a light pink tint crept on her pale cheeks. She nodded her head. Addison chuckles and whispered..

“I will make revenge on you later...” Addison trailed, making Meredith to gulped. “In bed..”

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