F i n e T o M i n e

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Addison was pacing back and forth.. She wants to say..

She love Meredith Freaking Grey... But how?

She sighs and play with her hands.. Then start walking back and forth again.

She froze when someone cleared their throat.

Mark and Teddy was looking at her, Mark was the one who cleared his throat.

Addison sighed and opened her phone.. She instantly smiled when she saw something. She locked her phone.

"I.. Will going to do something," Addison said. Mark smirked, Teddy hold his hand, "Okay, take your time, Dr. Montgomery," she said.

She covers Mark's mouth to avoid unnecessary things comes out on the man. Mark looked at Teddy.

Addison nodded her head and find the blonde. She saw Meredith facing the floor. She's breathing, no sighing.

Addison knew.. Meredith was thinking hard.. Everything about the blonde.. Even the small details.. Addison knew about them...

"D-Dr. Montgomery?" Meredith asked, Addison smiled awkwardly.

"Are you o-okay?" Addison asked, Meredith blushed but she manage to nod her head.

"I hope.. You are fine.." Addison said, Meredith looked confused at her.

Meredith wants to asked why she will not going to be fine?

Addison cough, she stood up properly before whispering, "Replace the F to M," and walk towards the elevator.

Meredith blinks.


Replace the F to M...


Her eyes widened, but the elevator closed already. She put the chart down and ran towards the stairs.

Meredith ran as if her life depends on it. Well it does, Addison is her life.. She don't know how.. But yeah.

She stopped in front of the elevator, panting hard, the elevator opened.

Addison blinked as she saw Meredith, breathing hard.

'Wait.. Who is the Meredith upstairs?'

Meredith finally gained her normal breathing, Addison blushed as the blonde entered the elevator and cornered her.

Addison gulped, she move to the left, Meredith move to the left.

"Grey, stop playing with me," she whispered.

Meredith rose an eyebrow, "You are the one who said.. Replace the F to M.." she teased the redhead.

The older woman sighed, the younger woman kissed her cheeks.

"I'm yours," she whispers, Addison's eyes widened and her smile went wide.

"Yeah?" she asked. "And you are mine," Meredith whispered.

"Told ya, Addison is Gay,"

They both turn when Mark and Teddy was smirking at them. Teddy get the 50 bucks on Mark.

A/N: Sorry for the last update, hope y'all are okay. Prompts from Instagram<3😅

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