M e r r y 🎄G a y (C h r i s t) m a s!

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A knock on the door on Christmas eve makes the Montgomery-Grey Christmas... Be ruined?

A soft knock was heard on the door as Ella and Zola was trying to wrap their presents for Bailey and Ellis. They both looked at each other, Ella and Zola raced on the door, thinking that it might be one of their Mommy's colleagues..

Zola and Ella's smile widened when they saw...

Bizzy Montgomery on the door.

"GRANDMAAA!!!!" Ella and Zola exclaimed, Addison and Meredith's eyes widened when they heard their daughter's scream... Addison's mother name..

Bailey and Ellis was running downstairs, Addison and Meredith wipe their faces, they are baking for the kids. Addison let out deep breaths, she froze a bit when Meredith placed her hand behind her. She hold the blonde's hand and went out the kitchen.

Bizzy Montgomery sitting on the lovely couch of their daughters. Addison can see how her mother's smile fell when she saw her and Meredith.

Meredith smiled a bit, "Good Morning, Madam," She said and smiled at Bizzy.

Zola, Ella, Ellis and Bailey was staring at their grandma.

"How are you kids?" She asked. Meredith's smile fell. Addison noticed it so she squeezed Meredith's hand a bit.

"We are fine, Grandma!" Ella exlaimed and smiled. Bizzy suddenly chuckles when she saw Ella's 2 tooth in front was missing. Ella pouts her lips. Bizzy tap her nose.

"That's good, I came here to give Mommy something and why don't you get your gifts on the car with Mama Meredith?" she asked. All the kids face brighten up, Addison and Meredith looked at each other.

Meredith kissed her wife's cheeks before whispering, "Just scream when she did something," she joked. Addison chuckles and playfully swat her wife's arm. "Silly," she whispered. Meredith tiptoe to kiss her wife's lips and mouths I love you on her wife.

Meredith went out with the kids to see the gifts. Addison sighed and looked at her mother. Bizzy handed a red invitation.

Addison get it and open it, her eyes widened and she looked at her mother. "I hope you will come," Bizzy said. Addison smiled and hugged her Mom, who froze, not expecting a hug from her daughter.

"I will come with the kids and my wife, congrats Bizzy," she whispered. Bizzy smiled and hugged her back. "Thank you.." she whispered.

They both pull away when the kids scream so loud. They went out and saw Ellis on her green bike. Zola on her scooter. Ella was playing on her skateboard. Bailey was holding a big dinosaur stuffed toy.

Addison looked at Bizzy, "What? I wanna spoil my grandkids," she said. Meredith walk towards Addison and handed her a small box.

Addison looked confused but when she opened it, a necklace with a heart. She opened it and she saw Meredith and her face on the left side of the heart then the kids was on the other side. "That's not my gift, don't look at me like that," Bizzy said.

Addison looked confused at her mother then she looked at her wife. Meredith blushed, "It was a gift from me..." she said. Addison's heart melt and she hugged her wife and kissed her lips, Meredith moaned softly as she felt Addison sucked her lower lip.

Bizzy fake a cough, Meredith and Addison pull away. They both blush when they face the older woman. Bizzy chuckles, "Don't worry, I know the feeling, Susan and I was like that too," she said and bid goodbye on the kids before going towards her car.

Addison, Meredith and the kids wave to Bizzy, who waved too.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS GRANDMAAAA!" the kids screamed. Meredith and Addison smiled and face each other, "Merry Christmas," they said on each other. Ella, Ellis, Zola and Bailey run on them and hugged them.

"Merry Christmas to the best Mommies around the world!" they all exclaimed and look at each other then laughs so hard.

"Guess they didn't practice that one," Addison joked. Meredith chuckles, "Guess so," and carry Zola and Bailey, while Addison carry Ella and Ellis. The kids kiss their Mom's cheeks.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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