H i d d e n K i n k ?

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Callie grins when she saw how drunk Meredith is. She walk towards the blonde and sit beside her.

"You... are soooooooo gorgeously beautifully pretty," Meredith rambles as she tap the nose of Addison.

Addison blushed then sighed, "Okay, we need to go now, you are drunk," she said.

Callie tap Meredith's shoulder, "Grey!" Callie happily said.

Meredith turn around, "THE BEAUTIFUUUUL BEST FRIEND OF MYYYYY GIRLFRIEEEEEND~" she happily screamed.

Addison's palm landed on her forehead, she glares at Callie as she wrapped her arms around the blonde.

"So, Grey, do you have... hidden kinks?" Callie whispered.

Addison's eyes widened. "Callie!?" she almost screamed, still not believing on what her bestfriend said.

"She have! Or... Do you?" Callie asked.

Addison gulped as her cheeks turned much redder.

"Someone said... You prefer... Calling your partner as Daddy," Callie teased.

"D-daddy?" Addison asked and gulped.

Meredith turn around, grinning, "Yes, princess?" she asked and kissed the redhead's lips.

Addison's jaw dropped then she softly moan as she taste the tequila on her girlfriend's lips.

"Jeez, gotta go!" Callie screamed as Meredith knead the redhead's ass, who moaned much louder.

"Fuck, we should go home," Addison whispered, breathing heavily.

Meredith's eyes darkened as she lick her lower lips, "We should go, I wanna ravish you when we got home, " Meredith simply said, but enough for Addison's cunt to get wetter.

They both get out on the bar and went home..

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