C l u m s y R e d h e a d?

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"I accidentally did something..." Addison said as she slowly entered their room, and gulped when Meredith placed the book that she is reading on the side.

"What did you ACCIDENTALLY do?" Meredith asked, Addison carefully sit down the bed.

"Addie, what is it?" Meredith asked.

"Promise not to get mad at me?" Addison asked.

"It depends on what you accidentally broke this time," Meredith said.

Addison pout a bit, "I didn't do anything," she said and smiles.

Meredith rose an eyebrow, "Addison Montgomery-" she was cut off by Addison's, "-Grey? Yes?" Addison asked.

The blonde can't help the smile forming her lips, she sighed and opened her arms. Addison smiled and hugged the blonde, "Okay, I'll let it pass, but please babe, be careful, especially on the toys of the kids," Meredith pleads.

Addison blush then nod her head while swallowing hard, she kissed the blonde and they were about to lay down when they heard Bailey, their son's screamed, "MAMAAAAAA SOMEONE STEPPED ON MY HELICOPTEEEEEEEER!!!!"

Addison's eyes widened as she carefully looked at the blonde, she swallowed hard again and bit her lower lip, "F-forgive m-me?" she asked.

Meredith sighed and kiss the redhead's forehead, "Buy him again..." Meredith trailed, Addison nods. "Addie, gosh, I love you, but please stop crashing our babies toys," Meredith said and kiss the temple of her clumsy yet cute girlfriend.

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