T h r e a t e n e d C h e e r i n g

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Addison sighed the moment she sit down her office, it's been 72 hours and she haven't seen her wife. She suddenly sat properly when her phone buzzed. Her shoulder fell when she saw it wasn't her wife.

Mer was still on the surgery, she said you should go home first, she will come home soon, don't wait and rest early.
Amelia, 3:43

Addison stared at the phone for a while before sighed deeply. Guess I will sleep alone, on our bed, again.

She shake her head, she should understand her wife. They're both surgeons. Stuck on different time surgeries.

She start to replace her lab coat into her coat, she lazily get her phone when it buzzed. Her face brightened as she sit down. It was her wife.

Hey Addie, I heard you nailed your last surgery, good job loves, you are amazing! I'm so sorry if you will go home alone, I'll try my best to be home early, Iloveyou.
Mi Amor, Mer 04:01

Addison can't help a smile appear on her lips. It was still amazing by a simple message her tiredness will going to slipped away.

She immediately typed to replied on her wife.

I love you too, I wish I could sent good vibes on you, I missed you so much. Thank you, I know you will nailed your upcoming surgeries too. Keep safe on your way home, as much as I want you early, I want you to be whole too when you got home.
Message sent

Addison stood up and hold her phone while she try to clean a bit on her desk for a while. She chose to text her wife again.

I've sent good vibes your way... they're coming. There's nothing you can do to stop them.
Message Sent

She chuckles to herself. She wait until Meredith replied, she sit down while tapping the screen of her phone. She immediately opened her phone when Meredith replied.

This is the most threatening way I've ever been cheered up.
Mi Amor, Mer 04:16

Addison chuckles on her wife's reply. She put her phone on her coat and chose to go home, without her home, sadly.

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