c o f f e e / j u j u

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Addison was on her office, busy reading, signing and approving some of the papers. She sighed and stretched her arms as she yawned.

A knock on the door made her stopped from yawning, Meredith's head popped on the door. The intern smiled, “Come in, Grey,” Addison said and sat properly.

The intern went inside and put a coffee on the table of her attending, making Addison to rose an eyebrow.

“Just a morning coffee, have a good day ahead Dr. Montgomery,” Meredith said and winked before walking out on her attending's office. Addison was frozen on her spot, looking down on her coffee, she suspiciously looked at the coffee.

She shook her head, ‘She didn't put poison on it right?’

She hummed when she tasted the coffee, not her usual coffee but this is a great one.

She smiled and feel energized again, every time she looked at the coffee cup she can't help but to smile.


Addison lost a mother but saved the new born, but that doesn't make Addison to be happy. She sat on the empty on call room and throw her scrub cap. She wiped her tears but they kept on falling.

She let herself to cry, it's good to release such pain. She was frozen when the door opened. Meredith went inside with a juju on her hand, the blonde also locked the door.

Meredith sat besides Addison and offered the juju, Addison took it and smiled.

Meredith wipped her tears, no words.

Just a peaceful silence. Not awkward.

Addison sipped the juju, it made her calm. The Juju not because it is from Meredith, Addison was denying the fact that it's because Meredith gave it on her.

“Thank you, Grey,” Addison whispered while looking at the cup.

Meredith smiled, “In every loss, there's a gain. We saved lives, but that doesn't mean we don't have the right to lose some. Cheer up, Dr. Montgomery. Have a nice day ahead,” Meredith said and stood up.

Addison was now looking at the door where Meredith just go.

She smiled, ‘She really is something’

It made Addison to cheer up. A juju and a piece of an advice from Meredith.

It's dangerous but Addison let herself fall on the trap.

Medusa's Trap


The next morning, Addison was waiting for the elevator to open when a juju appeared at her side, she looked at the owner of the hand and saw Meredith's face.

“Good morning, Dr. Montgomery,” the intern said and smiled. Addison looked at the intern before getting the juju, “Good morning and thank you for this morning energizer, now, what do you want Grey?” Addison bluntly asked and faced the intern.

Meredith smiled shyly and was about to say something when the elevator opened, Cristina and Mark was talking to something, “Have a nice day ahead, Dr. Montgomery,” Meredith said and went to their locker room.

Addison blinked and entered the elevator. Mark and Cristina was staring at her. She pushed the emergency button and faced Cristina.

“This is the 5th day of Grey giving me coffee or juju. She didn't put poison on it because I am still alive, but if she needs something tell her to tell me and stop her from wooing me,” Addison said and pushed the button, she faced the elevator door.

The Montgomery of GreyWhere stories live. Discover now