d o u b l e m e a n i n g

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“Meredith, satisfied me last night,” I proudly said, as I looked at the charts that I will do today, to Bailey and Richard, their jaw dropped and they looked at me like I have a three head.

“She---wait--Grey s-satisfied you last night?” Bailey asked, it was my first time to see a flushy Bailey and she's stuttering also. I frowned but eventually smiled, and nodded my head, “Why?” I asked, they both shook their heads, I was about to ask again when my pager beeped.

“Time to deliver babies, see ya later!” I said and waved my hand on them.


“So, you satisfy Dr. Montgomery last night, huh?” Dr. Bailey asked me, the moment I erased something on the white board. I looked at her, “Yeah, she's satisfied with the food that I cooked and we ate last night. Why?” I asked. “Oh..” she simply said and walked towards Dr. Webber's office.

‘What's happening?’


“So, you meant food when you say Meredith satisfy you last night..” Richard trailed as we sat down the cafeteria to eat our lunch. “Yeah, why?” I asked, “Addison you never said the food, you just said satisfy,” Richard said.

“Huh?” I asked, I'm really really not in my mood right now. And I don't know why I can't process what Bailey and Richard was talking about.

I smiled when I remembered how Meredith massaged me last night, “What's with the smile?” Bailey asked, I chuckles, “Nothing, I just remember how magical Meredith's hand last night..” they both froze. “What's wrong with the both of you?” I asked, I looked at my pager, ‘Meredith 911’ I stood up, “My wife needs me,” I said and leave them again.

I looked at the on-call rooms, trying to find my wife. I frowned when I can't find her. I called her phone, “Hey Mer, where are you?” I asked, “Stairs, Addie,” I frowned.

“Coming down there,” I said and took the stairs, I smiled when I saw Meredith leaning on the wall.

“Hi..” I said as I took the last step of the stairs, she smiled when she saw me.

“How was my wife?” she asked, my heart skipped as Meredith smiled.

“Bailey and Richard's acting so weird,” I said and frowned. “Yeah, they really are,” Meredith said and yawned, I chuckles, “What about we take a nap?” I suggest, Meredith smiled and nodded her head, I took her hand and we use the stairs, we went to the first empty on-call room and I locked it from behind.

“I love you,” I said, Meredith lay down and I lay besides her, she kissed my forehead and wrapped her hand on my waist, “I love you too, Addie..” she said and I smiled, I watched how her eyes closed and how she snored softly.

I bury let her bury her face to my neck, I closed my eyes as I yawned softly.


“Have you seen Dr. Montgomery?” Dr. Bailey asked Nurse Eli as she looked around, the nurse chuckles and pointed the on-call room. Bailey's brow rose up, she walked towards the door and tried to open it.

“Why is this door locked?” Bailey asked Eli, Richard stopped and looked at Bailey and Eli, “What's happening here?” he asked.

“I need Dr. Montgomery for a consult, Nurse Eli told me that she is here, but the door is locked,” Dr. Bailey explained.

“Dr. Montgomery and Dr. Grey was there..” Nurse Eli said, Dr. Bailey and Dr. Webber looked at each other.

“Oh.. Maybe I can tell her later,” Dr. Bailey said and walked towards the left direction while Dr. Webber went the right direction, Nurse Eli was left puzzled.

“What's happening?” he asked himself.

After a few moments, Nurse Eli heard something..

“Hmm... M-mer..” Dr. Montgomery moaned, followed by “Addie..” from Dr. Grey. A sudden realization hits Nurse Eli, they're doing IT in the on-call room..

When the door opened up, Addison and Meredith saw how paled Nurse Eli was. He fainted when he saw them.

“OH MY---” they both rushed to the nurse, “Help someone!” Meredith shouted, Bailey and Richard heard it and rushed towards them. Richard called another nurse to accompany them.


“When we opened the door, Nurse Eli looked so pale, then when he saw us he fainted,” Meredith explained, Addison was just humming as she let her head fall on her wife's shoulder.

“Did you do something to make him pale?” Bailey asked suspiciously to the couple, “They moaned,” all of the heads snapped at the nurse who was laying down the hospital bed, even Addison who was leaning on Meredith's shoulder.

“We what?” Addison asked, “You both moaned, I just.. Sorry.. It's my first time to hear those gay moans..” Eli said and his ears turned into red, Meredith was so confused until,

“Ooh! That! We are not moaning, we are stretching and we are so closed to each other that's why we said each other's name. We are not doing IT on on-call rooms,” she explained. Eli can't look now, he's so embarrased that he thought his Boss was doing something nasty on the on-call rooms.

“S-sorry, Dr. Montgomery and Dr. Grey,” he said, the couple smiled. “Nah, sorry for being the reason why you fainted,” Addison said, Meredith chuckles.

“This day is so weird,” Addison said. “Because you were telling us double meaning words and you both moaned on on-call rooms,” Bailey said. “Oh..” Addison said, Meredith laughed.

“That's the reason why you asked me if I satisfy Addison last night?” Meredith asked, Dr. Webber and Dr. Bailey nodded their heads.

“She didn't mention the food! Plus she said magical hands of yours,” Dr. Webber said. “I massaged her last night, Chief,” Meredith said.

“Oh..” Dr. Webber said.


15:22 * 8th day of June, 2021

I will try to make it up to y'all once I am done on something..

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