S c r e w i n g T h e H u s-W I F E?!

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"You must be the woman who's been screwing my husband?" Addison asked and smirked, but her smirk fell when Meredith took a step forward making her to step back.

"I am not the woman who's been screwing your husband, but I can be the woman who can screw Derek Sheperd's wife, if you want to," Meredith said and kissed the cheeks near Addison's lips.

They both heard Derek's gasped, Meredith looked at the man and slapped his face. "That is for trying to woo me while you have a wife hidden," Meredith said and left.

Leaving Derek who was holding his cheeks and Addison who was amused.

A/n: Found this on my notes and I asked myself, 'Why not post this?' so yeah. Byeeeeeeee~

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