B u s t e d & D r u n k

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Season 2, Episode 18 inspired(not the whole scene, just a specific picture inspired me to write this)

Sipping her tequila like it was the last day of her life. On her 8th drink, she heard someone from behind. She shake her head and gave the person a small smile.

"Well, well, well, my co-dirty mistress, all alone, at the bar," Mark said as he pulled the chair to sit on it, next on the blonde.

"I'm not your co-dirty mistress anymore," Meredith said and raise her one hand to get a drink for Mark.

Joe nod his head, he knew his drinks, and he gave him scotch.

Mark get it and drink it up.

"Big day?" Meredith asked.

Mark sighed, "Tough," he answered.

"At least still alive," Meredith joked, but she didn't laugh.

Mark saw a glimpse of some redhead. "Unfortunately," He joked back.

They both looked at each other then laughed so hard, earning a weird look on people around. After the laugh, Meredith looked at him.

"You are still in love with her?" she asked.

Mark looked at her, "Are you in love with her?" He bravely asked.

Meredith, who is half drunk, nod her head, "Yeah, I miss her too," she force a smile, she blush when she realize something.

A grin appeared on Mark's lips, "I haven't said any name yet," he teased.

Meredith threw a glare on him, "Shut up, Mark," she said and drink again.

"I love your sister so much," Mark said.

Meredith nod her head, "Then stop being coward and tell her," she said and sighed when she drink again.

Her eyebrow rose up when Mark get his phone, her face crumpled when Mark put his camera on and face it on her, she can see herself. "Can you repeat what you said, to yourself this time?" he asked.

Meredith looked away, "I'm leaving now," she announced and stood up.

"Coward," Mark teased. Meredith frowned at him, "Call Addison, I'll tell her," she said.

Mark's eyes widened, "I KNEW IT! RED! RED!" he suddenly screamed.

Meredith's eyes widened as she cover his mouth, but a hand hold her waist and pull her closer.

Her cheeks reddened as she turn her face around, her nose and Addison's nose touched each other.

"H-hi," she whispered.

Hi!? Really MeredithGrey? Hi? What the hell-

Addison move the hair on her face behind her ear, her eyes never left the blonde's.

A blush crept on her cheek as she saw how Addison bit her lower lip.

I wanna taste those lips.

I wanna feel them against my lips.

Can I run my finger on those lips?

Can I suck her lower lip?

Oh god, her lips...

Addison smiled, "Do you know..." she whispered on the blonde, carefully leaning her body on the blonde's, she lean down, her lips kiss the earlobe of the blonde, "I am attracted on you too?" she whispered.

Her eyes went wide as she move her head away to look if the redhead was joking or playing with her, because, oh god.

This is better than winning a freaking million price on the lottery.

Is it CHRISTMAS already!?

Addison licks her lower lip, she observe how Meredith's eyes lowered down. She can hear how she gulped, open her mouth and close it again.

She make her sit down the chair before she run her finger on the blonde's leg.

Meredith bit her lower lip hard.

"I am too," the blonde finally said. Addison smirked, "I heard, you love me huh?" She teased. Meredith groaned a bit.

Addison leaned down to the blonde's to face her.

"Should I do an exit now or-" Mark gulped as Addison shoot a glare on him.

"She's at the attic!" Meredith screamed a bit. Mark grins before going out, "ENJOY LADIES!" he said and went out.

"So, where are we again?" Addison asked.

"You were about to kiss me?" Meredith asked.

Addison's eyebrow rose up, "I was?" she teased.

Meredith frowned, Addison hold her leg to stop herself from moving down.

Her place her lips on the blonde's.

They both moaned then sigh at the contact.

Letting their lips dance on their own rhythm.

They slowly kissing each other's lips.

Softly moaning, smiling while kissing.

They pull away, Addison wipe the side of her lip, "I will not going to have sex with you tonight," she said.

Meredith giggles, "So do I, even if I'm drunk, I'll date you first," she said and smiled.

"But I can drive you to your place?" Addison offered. Meredith nod her head, "I would love to, I can't feel my feet," she said.

Addison carry her out the bar, they walk towards the parking lot under the full moon light.

Smiling at each other.

"I'm in love with you too," Addison said.

"Oh god, I am too!" Meredith said.

They both looked at each other then giggles.

Addison stopped when she saw something on her windshield, she place the blonde down and get it.

"Happy Pride Month sticker?" Addison asked. Meredith giggles, "We have a pride month, it was the whole month of June," she said. Addison gave her the sticker.

Meredith smiled then suddenly crawl on the front of Addie's car. The redhead hold her to make sure she won't fall back, she smiled when Meredith placed the sticker on the upper left glass.

She moved down and giggles when Addison move her down, "Be careful," she said and kissed the blonde's forehead.

"I'll date you tomorrow," Meredith seriously said. Addison smiled, "I want a decent one, not at Joe's," she said.

Meredith grins then nod her head. The redhead helped her to get in the car and she even make sure the seatbelt was securing the blonde. She carefully close the door before walking to the other side of the car.

She put seatbelt on and close the door. She start the engine and drive the car, in a slow speed.

Meredith linked her pinky on hers.

A smile tugged on their lips.

Blushing like 20's kids.

If they are near on each other.

They will feel each other's heartbeat.

Their hearts that are beating on each other.

Happy PRIDE Month! 🏳️‍🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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