H o a r d e r

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One peaceful day---no scratch that. There's no peaceful day on a hospital.

That's what Meredith knew. Every day has new patients to cure. Patients to deal with. Until..

She needs to deal with the redhead surgeon who happens to be sitting beside her.

Why she can't just go?


They're stuck in the elevator, feels like forever.

Addison sighed and turn to face Meredith, who was looking at the redhead saying, “28”

Addison blinks, “Excuse me?”

“You sigh 28 times when you first step on the elevator until we get stuck,” Meredith said and blushed, when she saw the amusement on Addison's face.

Addison chuckles lightly, making Meredith to smile a bit.

“You are much beautiful when you smile,” Addison said, making the blonde's smile to fall. “My smile is creepy,” Meredith said and look away.

“Nah, it's not,” Addison insisted, Meredith playfully roll her eyes.

“I almost forgot! You know that I'm not a hoarder right?” Addison said. The elevator dings, sign that they will going out again.

They both stood up, Meredith looked confused at the redhead, who smile shyly.

“But I really want to keep you forever,” Addison said and winks before walking towards the elevator door. “Have a nice day, Dr. Grey,” She said, leaving the smiling like an idiot Meredith.

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