b a r e f a c e

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“Just let me see!” Meredith whined as Addison locked herself up in the bathroom of the blonde. Addison groaned, “I don't want you to see me this! I need my make up!” Addison said, Meredith frowned and realized she had keys. Ofc she had-.-

“Okay.. I will not going to forcr you but 15 minutes before your call.” Meredith said and smirked. She heard Addison sighed.

“I put make up because you will not going to put make up. I did my part, you did your part. I wanna see your bare face.” Meredith tried to coo Addison.

The doorknob clicked, Meredith smiled. Addison stepped out on the bathroom.

Meredith's jaw dropped on the floor when she saw Addison's bare face.

“I'm ugly. Right? Oh gosh, I need to do my make up.” Addison starts to hyperventilate. Meredith pulled Addison towards her. She cupped the redhead's face.

“Why are you hiding this?!” Meredith exclaimed, Addison was now mesmerized with the blonde.

“You are hot but you are hotter with make up!” Addison said. They both looked at each other.

Admiring each other's beauty.

“You are so beautiful..” they both said. They laughed and smiled at each other.

“You looked like an angel when you don't wear make up.” Meredith said, Addison frowned.

“Yeah. I looked like Satan when I am wearing make up.” Addison said and was about to get her make up kit when Meredith hold her hands. She squealed when Meredith pinned her on their bed.

“I hate it how you can pin me that fast.” Addison sighed.

“Maybe its the power of TOP?” Meredith teased her.

Addison rolled her eyes, “I'm a bottom? I'm not!” she tried her best not to blush when Meredith smirked. She pouts. “Fine. Bottom. Only for you.” she exclaimed.

Meredith chuckles, still holding her hands above her head, the blonde leaned and kissed Addison's neck to her jaw. The redhead can't help but to moan.

A sudden knock made them jumped.

“MEREDITH AND ADDISON WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!” Izzie shouted, banging the door. The couple giggled and Izzie groaned.

“Oh please if I open this door and you both are naked.. I swear..” she warned them. Meredith kissed Addison's lips and stood up, she also helped the redhead to stand up. Izzie opened the door.

She froze when she saw them. “What the..” she uttered.

“Is it bad?” the couple asked. Izzie shook her head.

“YOU BOTH ARE GORGEOUS!!” Izzie shouted, making Alex, George and Cristina to ran to the room. They all also stunned with what they are seeing.

Surely the couple are indeed gorgeous, with or without make up


Short shot again.. I am running out of ideas:')

Have a good day ahead!

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