🌈 m o n t h

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Today is pride month, Addison was smiling when she entered the hospital. Gaining some weird looks from the people she greeted.

“Good morning, Dr. Torres. Good Morning, Dr. Sloan. Good morning, Dr. Yang. Good morning, Dr. Shepherd. Good morning, Dr. Stevens. And Good morning, Dr. Grey.” she greeted them as she entered the elevator.

They all looked at each other and looked at Addison. “Today was the start of Pride Month.” she said. Callie gasped and smiled widely. Mark, Bailey, Yang, Izzie and Derek looked confused.

“You don't know what pride month is?!” Meredith asked. They shook their heads. “Oh..” Addison just said, still smiling but a bit disappointed.

“Happy Pride Month, Love.” Meredith whispered, Addison's smile widened. “Happy Pride Month also, Love.”

“Get a room.” Yang said and groaned. They all went out on the elevator and starts to scatter.

On lunch break, Addison gave all of her friends, nursed, interns, residence and also the chief's a rainbow colored cupcakes.

“Oooh!” Mark exclaimed, Addison nodded her head.

“It's Pride Month! A celebration for Gay people!” Realization hits Derek, Bailey, Richard and Yang.

“Wait.. Why are you---YOU ARE GAY?!” Derek asked. Addison chuckles and Meredith kissed her cheeks. “She's a bi and I'm a lesbian.”

Their jaws dropped, but not Cristina.

“You two..” Bailey trailed.. They both nodded their heads.

“We are dating.”


Short shot! Happy Pride Day everyoneeee!

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