c h a l l e n g e

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“You can't make Meredith a softie person,” Cristina said while looking at Addison.

“Good morning too, Yang, and I can,” Addison said and put her coat.

“She hates it when she was saying I love you to the crowd, and you said she loves it when you said that to her? Prove it to me,” Cristina challenged the redhead.

Addison's eyebrow rose up, “Sure, Yang. I'll take your challenge,” Addison said.

“Yang, you are with Hahn. What are you doing here bugging Dr. Montgomery?” Bailey asked and Cristina frowned a bit before going outside.

“Did she say something on you?” Bailey asked Addison, who chuckles and shook her head. “I am dating her person, she's pissed with me,” Addison said. Bailey just nodded her head. “My interns are pain in ass,” Bailey said and left.

“They really are,” Addison whispered to herself.

“Hi Dr. Montgomery,” Izzie said and smiled. Addison looked at the intern, “Good morning, Dr. Stevens,” she said.

“Coffee from Mer,” Izzie said, Addison stopped from walking and took the coffee. “Thank you,” Addison said.

The day of Addison went slow and peaceful. She saw the blonde, who was already smiling at her. She saw Cristina's eye roll.

Meredith elbowed her friend and walked towards the redhead. “Your off now?” Meredith asked. Addison smiled and shook her head earning a pout on the blonde.

“What are you pouting for?” Cristina asked.

“What time is your out?” Meredith asked Addison, ignoring her person's question. “I have still 2 hours,” Addison said while looking at her watch.

To be honest, it was her off. She was just lying to do something. Addison wants to prove to Cristina that she turned Meredith into softie.

“Oh.. I see,” Meredith said. Addison smiled and steal a kiss from her girlfriend's cheeks, making Meredith to blush and Cristina to scoff.

“I was about to call Izzie, I will walk with you to the locker room?” Addison asked, Meredith's face brightens up.

“Really? Come on,” Cristina said and frowned.

“What is your problem?” Meredith asked. Cristina just rolled her eyes. The three walked towards the locker room for the interns.

Meredith wants to swap to Izzie to stay but Addison said no. The blonde sighed and just nodded her head. Addison waited outside while Meredith and Cristina was changing.

The door opened revealing the two, Addison's eyes scanned her girlfriend's body. “So, we will go now. You will go home on my house right?” Meredith asked and smiled.

“Yeah, I will. Always take care huh?” Addison said. “We will go now, I love you,” Meredith said and Cristina stilled. Addison smiled and waved.

She waited for Meredith to go but the blonde frowned, “Addie, I said we will go now,” Meredith said. Cristina was standing there, not believing on what she can see.

“You take care, Mer,” Addison said and smiled.

Meredith groaned in frustration, “Addie, I love you,” the blonde cutely said, making Addison to smile but never respond.

“Addison!” Meredith hissed. Addison chuckles, “I love you too,” she said and Meredith kissed the redhead's lips.

Meredith walked towards the exit leaving Cristina, “You owe me a drink,” Addison said. Cristina groaned and sighed. “I still hate you,” she said and jogged towards the blonde.

Meredith mouthed, “I love you,” and Addison mouthed, “I love you too,” and winked at the blonde who blushed.

Hi? Miss me? Sorry:'(

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