t o r r e s' c h a l l e n g e

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Note: Callie challenged her, at first she was only taking it lightly, but tables turned upside down when she seriously took the challenge. Will she win or nah?

Callie and Addison was sitting at Joe's, drinking. Erica left Callie, when the latter told her that she has feelings towards Erica. Callie was so hrartbroken when she found out that Erica resigned and went to nowhere she is now.

No one knew where she is.

On the other hand, Addison was drinking while looking at Meredith. Yes, the Satan falls in love again, this time to Medusa.

Addison can't help but to smile when she remember Meredith's other name.

“Medusa was so so mad today, I really don't know how to stand still when she looked at me.” an intern said, Addison stays quiet while eavesdropping.

‘Who the hell is Medusa?’

“Shh.. Medusa is coming.” the other intern said, Addison can't help but to look at whom Medusa is. She can't help but to chuckle lowly when Meredith passed the intern.

Addison stood straight when Meredith passed by in front of her, the blonde was busy reading the chart to acknowledge Addison's presence, but her lavender scent lingers on the redhead's nose. Addison can't help but to breath in, and closed her eyes.

‘Meredith's scent will kill me..’

Addison shook her head and opened her eyes. She went to Callie and offer her to drink. The Latina who was broken hearted, agreed immediately.

That is the reason why they end up drinking.

Addison..” Callie said, snapping Addison to reality. The redhead looked at Callie, who was smirking and obviously really drunk right now.

“What Callie?” she asked and drink again.

“Meredith was looking at you for almost thirty five minutes, but she was only here for fourty minutes. Care to explain?” Callie asked, Addison stopped herself from stiffening.

‘Meredith was staring at me?’

“Ask her. I am not the one who's staring.” Addison said and frowned. “Ask who?” Addison sucked a breath when a hand was on her back, she's wearing a backless red dress so she felt the coldness of the palm of whoever hold her back.

“You. You are staring at my bestfriend for almost thirty five minutes.” Callie said, Addison who was confused realized that it was Meredith. She looked at the blonde who sat besides her. Their thighs are touching, Addison can't help but to gulped, the fake a cough before drinking.

“Your friend is gorgeous on her backless dress.” Addison choke up, this time she is coughing real. Her eyes widened while looking at Meredith who is rubbing her back.

“You have hots on your ex-boyfriend's ex-wife?” Callie asked, Addison hissed and slapped the Latina's arm, who yelp and glared at her.

“Who wouldn't? Addison is so gorgeous.” Meredith said flawlessly and grabbed Addison's shot glass and drink on where Addison drink.

“Huh! That is the reason why you are staring at Addison's ass when she was around!” Addison can't help but to facepalm. Surely, Callie has no filter when she was drunk.

Meredith chuckles and leaned on towards Addison, “Her ass is such a view, but her face is also a view.” Addison tried her best not to blush on the blonde's remark.

“Cat got your tongue?” Callie asked her, she rolled her eyes and frowned.

I can't trust my mouth when I am drunk

Meredith's eyebrow rose up and a smirk was plastered on her rosy lips. Addison can't help but to stare at Meredith's lips. She gulped and looked at Meredith, who caught her staring at her lips. Addison looked away and breath out.

“I have a dare..” Callie said, Addison and Meredith looked at her. “What is it?” Meredith asked, Addison just stare at her bestf friend.

“See those?” she asked, Addison and Meredith followed where Callie was pointing out. She was pointing at the crowd of people dancing at Joe's. Addison's heart race, she really don't know what will Callie would dare.

Meredith excuse herself to use the bathroom, Callie looked at Addison. “I dare you to make out with Grey in the middle of the dancefloor.” Addison swear she was blushing so hard, her eyes widened while her jaw dropped.

Meredith went back, “What's happening?” She asked Callie, pointing to Addison.

“I dare you to dance in the middle of those.” Callie said, Meredith was confused.

That is a simple dare, why would Addison blushed so hard on it?

Meredith pushed the question away and hold Addison's waist. “Dare accepted.” she said and using her free hand she gulped the drink of Addison.

Addison was about to protest when Meredith pulled her inside the crowd. They are so close to hear each other's heart beat. Meredith started to dance, while Addison was staring at her.

Meredith stopped and looked at Addison, the redhead cupped the blonde's cheeks and kissed her. It was so soft at first, but when Addison grabbed Meredith's ass. The kiss became rough, fighting against dominance. Addison gasped when Meredith bit her lower lip and pulled her closer. Meredith took the chance to explore on Addison's mouth. The redhead can't help but to groan.

They want it to last, but unfortunately they need some air. Meredith pulled away with the kiss, but her forehead was still attached on Addison's forehead. They are both smiling at each other, breathing so hard, heartbeat was so fast, staring at each other's eyes. Forgetting where they are.

“Let's go somewhere else?” Meredith asked, Addison smirked and nodded her head.

They went on their table, grabbed their coats and purse(Addison's purse) and left Callie who was so shocked.

Good Night, Torres.


Aaaaaand that's it. I will try to write a not really smut thing about them, though I am tempted to, I am trying to put this book on not so porny type.

So, care to follow, vote and comment?

It will mean a lot for me. 😭💓

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