O r g a n i z e d

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"There! Meredith! Grey! Hey!" Addison screamed so loud to get Meredith's attention, she jogged towards the blonde and grab her hand.

Cristina, Callie, Mark and Addison was having an argument. The three said Addison is not an organized person.

Meredith looked confused but let Addison dragged her. They both stopped at Mark, who is smirking. Callie and Cristina's one eyebrow rose up.

"What's happening?" Meredith asked. Addison smirked.

"Babe, tell them how organized I am," Addison smugly asked.

Meredith chuckles and wrapped her one arm around Addison's waist.

"Last night she ate her fruit loops by colour," Meredith proudly said.

Cristina, Callie and Mark's jaw dropped.

"Okay, you won, tsk," Mark said. They was about to go when Addison hold the back of their scrubtops.

The three looked confused at Addison, who put her palm down.

"You forgot something?" she asked.

They all groaned and gave 20 bucks each. Addison smirked while Meredith looked amused at her girlfriend.

"You bet about how organized you are?" Meredith asked. Addison shake her head, the blonde looked confused.

"20 bucks if you will come here and prove that we are dating," Addison said, which made the blonde to be more confused.

Callie and Cristina facepalm, Mark chuckles.

"We slept last night at your house," Addison give Meredith hint. The blonde gasped.


Addison's jaw dropped. "You don't know that we are dating!?" she asked.

Meredith pouted her lips, "I thought you were just being friendly," she whispered.

"Grey, Bailey caught you on your knees licking me while on the bathroom, 3 weeks ago. Then 2 weeks ago, we are caught by Bailey again on the car, you are sitting on my lap while groping my boobs, then-" Meredith cover Addison's mouth.

"Jeez, okay, okay, we are dating!" she said. Addison looked behind, she was confused on why Meredith was so red.

Bailey, Richard, Amelia, Lexie, Cristina, Alex, Izzie, George, Callie, Arizona, Teddy, Owen and Derek was behind them, looked amused, confused and some are smirking at them.

Addison sighed, "Next time tell me when someone is behind me," she whispered and grasped her girl's wrist and went to her office.

crdts: nuttynutcycle on Tumblr

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