S p e a k N o w O r Y o u' l l S u f f e r I n S i l e n c e

980 39 9

🎶I hear the preacher say 🎶
🎶 "Speak now, 🎶
🎶 Or forever hold your peace" 🎶

Swallowing hard, my eyes kept wandering around.

Why am I even here..

Meredith and Derek was standing in front of the altar, when the preacher said those words.

My heart was pounding out my chest.

I hold tight on it.

Breathing heavily.

"Addie, are you okay?" Mark asked beside me.

Meredith looked at us, I can see how she looked at me.

Why is it painful that she looked at me like I am the most gorgeous woman she ever seen, but she chose him instead of me..?

Shake my head, forcing a smile at Mark, "I'm goo-" I stopped when he stood up.

🎶 There's a silence 🎶
🎶There's my last chance🎶

I hold his hand, I can see how Meredith's eyes fixed on my hand on Mark.

My hands are shaking, I can feel how cold they are.

I looked straight on her eyes.

Swallowing hard, I make Mark sit down.

Everyone was silent when he stood up.

Derek was glaring at us.

How will I make him suffer again like this...

The preacher was looking at me.

Like he knew something that no one does.

🎶I stand up with shaky hands🎶
🎶All eyes are on me🎶

I stood up, earning much silence from everyone.

Mark squeeze my hand and let go of them, I sighed deeply.

I wipe my shaky and sweaty hand at the back of the gown I am wearing.

"I.. l-love you," I said.

Meredith face me with teary eyes.

Derek looked furious at me.

"I n..never ever felt this before," I said stepping forward at them.

🎶Horrified looks from everyone in the room🎶
🎶But I'm only looking at you🎶

I can feel the looks of everyone on me.

I can feel their judgement.

My eyes are fixed with Meredith.

The woman I wanna spend my life with.

"I know... You love me too," I said.

She looked at Derek, who looked like he's begging on her.

Meredith shake her head, "I c-can't.." she whispered.

My heart shattered.

I froze when I heard her say that.

"I'm sorry, Derek," she said.

My eyes went wide, then she smiled and give Derek the bouquet.

Derek hold her arm, trying to make her stop.

"Meredith... Don't do this," he whispered.

Everyone was murmuring on the church.

Miranda gave me a nod, I run towards Meredith and hold her wrist.

She hold the gown and smiled at me.

"Meredith!" Meredith screamed.

We run towards the exit of the church.

Leaving everyone behind.

We are welcome with the rain, but we never care anymore.

I stopped, so she did.

I cupped her cheek and kissed her lips.

She sighed then kiss me back.

I can feel her hand on my neck.

Pulling away, she opened her teary eyes.

"I thought... You will never say it," she said.

Surprised with the words she said.

I never knew she wants me to stop this.

I never knew she loves me too.

"I'm sorry," I said.

She smiled, "It was never too late, you have me now," she said.

We both jumped when we heard honk.

Mark and Lexie was grinning at us, "Run away car?" Mark asked.

Grinning, I hold Meredith's hand and opened the door for her, helping her with the gown.

I close the door.

I saw Derek looking at me.

"I'M SORRY!" I screamed, he just stood there with a blank face.

I run to the other side and opened the door and entered in.

I close the door and Mark drove us away.

Meredith make her head fall on my shoulder, I interlaced our fingers together.

* * *

So, it was the end of this book, one last shot. I will do something on my works, please don't hate me after.
Thank you for supporting this book! Goodbye ✨🏳️‍🌈

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