t w i s t e d s i s t e r s

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A conversation between Meredith and Cristina..

“I love to see her work,” Meredith said while looking at the OR where Addison and Teddy was working on a Mother in labor with a heart complication.

Izzie was with Addison while Alex was with Teddy. Meredith and Cristina was banned for their girlfriend's because Miranda said so. Meredith groaned while Cristina roll eyes.

“You are just in love with Dr. Montgomery so much,” Cristina said and smirked when her person blushed. “Look at Teddy's hand..” Cristina proudly said and smirked. Meredith chuckles, “You are just in love with Dr. Altman so so much,” Meredith said and grins when Cristina frowned.

“I wish I was there,” Cristina said. Meredith nodded her head and pout. “What did we do to deserve this?” Meredith dramatically said.

Addison and Teddy looked up. Cristina and Meredith smiled and waved a bit. Addison smiled behind the mask blushing while Teddy shook her head while also blushing.

“You two idiots what are you doing here?” Bailey said. Meredith and Cristina's eyes widened and stood up immediately.

“Aren't you wit---”

“We are also here,” Mark said and chuckles. Bailey rolled her eyes.

“Where is---”

“Here, Dr. Bailey,” Owen said and smiled.

“Just let them see their girlfriends, Dr. Bailey,” Mark said. Cristina and Meredith tried their best not to smile.

“Yeah, just relax,” Ben said and make Bailey sat down.

Cristina and Meredith smiled and look again on their girlfriends. Bailey went out with Ben while Mark have a phone call and Amelia called Owen.

“My girlfriend is talkative when she's getting laid,” Cristina said all of a sudden. Alex looked up at Cristina, who rolled her eyes.

“My girlfriend is glowy and smiling when she's getting laid,” Meredith said, she saw Izzie's blush while the latter was looking at her.

“Are they hearing us?” Cristina asked. Meredith shrugged her shoulder. “Did you and Teddy talked about having kids?” Meredith asked and looked at Cristina.

“You know that I hate kids right? I mean..” Cristina trailed before sighing and looking at her girlfriend, “..but if Teddy wants kids then I will give it on her,” Cristina said and smiled.

“Ellis and Tatcher aren't perfect parents on me. What if I am a terrible Mom? What if I hurt Addie and I's babies? But when I can see how happy Addison is while carrying babies, I can't say no if she said yes of us having babies,” Meredith said and smiled while reminiscing those days that she's in the vagina squad.

“They changed us,” Cristina said and looked at Meredith, who smiled genuinely. “In a good way, Cristina,” Meredith said and chuckles.

“How on earth are we pinning on men when all we need to have is this two women in our lives right?” Cristina said. Meredith nodded her head and hummed.

“Maybe we need to suffer first before getting happy,” Meredith said and Cristina smiled.

“Maybe,” Cristina said.

Then they looked down, became silent while observing their loving girlfriends.

After surgery, Cristina went to Owen because he paged her. Meredith was also paged by Mark and went to the plastic surgeon's office.

Cristina and Meredith received messages from their girlfriends.

‘I love you, and I also heard your conversation with Cristina. I'm happy to be with you. I didn't change you, Mer. You change yourself because you love me. See you at 8. Our favorite Italian restaurant. I love you, Kitten.’

Meredith bit her lower lip while rereading the text from Addison. She blushed at the last word.


Mark chuckles and looked at the intern, “Let's go, Dr. Grey?” Meredith looked up and grins, “Let's go, Dr. Sloan. I want to be with Addie later,” Meredith said and smiled. Mark just smiled.

‘Yang, I heard your conversation with Meredith. If you want child or not, I will be happy just to be with you all my life. Keep that always in your mind okay? 8 o'clock at our favorite Thai Restaurant. I will wait for you. I love you, Tiger.’

Cristina was smiling while reading the text from Teddy. Owen looked at her with one eyebrow up.

“Shh, I am reading my girlfriend's text,” Cristina said and grins. Owen smiled. “Will we be done before 8?” Cristina suddenly asked. Owen just nodded his head. “Okay,” Cristina said and smiled.

‘Choose a person who will not going to change you, but accept you from who you are and what you are’

Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening and Good day everyone!

I hope y'all are okay 💓

I love y'all <3

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