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Addison smiled to Bailey as she entered the locker room, “Who's on my service today, Dr. Bailey?” she asked politely, the shorter woman looked at her interns.

“Grey! You are with Dr. Montgomery,” Bailey said and Meredith just nodded her head and Addison turn her heel to walk when Meredith held Addison's hand.

Meredith groans in pain as she hold her stomach. “Grey, are you okay?” Addison asked. The blonde nodded her head and looked at Addison, but her vision gets blury and all she can hear is Addison's voice.

Her visions gets black.

Addison's eyes widened. Alex was about to get Meredith, but Addison scooped Meredith and run outside the locker room.

Bailey and all of the interns was stunned, “KAREV WITH SLOAN, YANG WITH ALTMAN, STEVENS WITH TORRES AND O'MALLEY WITH ME!” Bailey said and followed Addison.

Addison was carrying Meredith when Callie and Mark saw her. She looked around, and saw an empty room with a hospital bed, “Red?” Mark asked.

“She passed out, call---” Addison was panicking, Bailey went inside, “I am here,” The small woman said.

Callie, Mark and Addison wait outside. Mark and Callie was looking at Addison who's looking inside the room, she's fidgeting her fingers.

“Do you think she's okay? Pregnant? Appendicitis?” Addison asked.

Bailey went outside, Addison turned her heels to face Bailey immediately, “Is she okay? Appendicitis? Pregnancy? Is she will going to be okay? Why did she passed out?” Addison asked, Bailey was taken aback.

“Red, one by one, Dr. Bailey's only one,” Mark joked, Addison glared at Mark, who raised his arms.

“Over Fatigue, she needs to rest.” Dr. Bailey said, Addison sighed as a relief.

“Thank goodness,” Addison said and went inside.

“Is it just me or..” Callie trailed. “Your friend is in love with my intern,” Bailey said and left.

“Woah, girl to girl,” Mark said and wiggle his eyebrows. Callie swat Mark's arm.

“Let's just leave them,” Callie said and took Mark's hand.

Addison sat besides Meredith, she looked at the sleeping intern.

“4 months ago, I met you as my husband's mistress,” Addison said and chuckles a bit. “Then you hugged me when I saved your friend, Yang,” Addison said and smiled.

“I really hate it that you..” Addison sighed and wiped her tears.

“T-that I?” Addison looked up, she saw Meredith looking at her.

Addison shook her head and stood up, “I will going to get Bailey,” The redhead said and Meredith held the latter's hand.

“Stay please?” Meredith weakly said, Addison looked at their hand. She sat down again and paged Dr. Bailey.

Derek was looking at the window of Meredith's room. Dr. Webber was besides him, “They look good together,” Derek said and smiled a bit.

“Are you willing to let go of them? Making them happy with each other?” Dr. Webber asked, Derek looked at the older man.

“I am,” Derek said and smiled. “I don't deserve them in the first place, I treated them both badly. I treated Addison like a trash, I always say that she cheated on me, while here I am cheating on her in public with Meredith. While on Meredith, I called her a whore when she dated Finn,” Derek said and sighed. Dr. Webber pats Derek's shoulder, “You will find someone, not now but soon,” The older doctor said and left.

Derek left also.

He realized his mistakes.

Addison was staring at Meredith while Dr. Bailey's treating her. “When was the last time you eat?” Dr. Bailey asked, Meredith looked away. “I d-don't know,” she confessed. Addison frowned.

“4 days ago, muffins and coke was the last thing she ate,” George said. Meredith glared at her friend, “Thank you O'malley, and since you want to do this on yourself, you are going to rest for 1 week. You need to eat regularly and sleep regularly,” Bailey said with her Nazi look.

Meredith was about to say something when Addison hold her shoulder, “I will going to make sure she will eat and sleep properly, Dr. Bailey. Leave it to me,” The redhead said, Meredith pouts and just nodded her head.

“Ah.. Fine,” Dr. Bailey said and left with George.

“I don't want to eat,” Meredith said and groaned.

“You need to eat,” Addison said and took the salad that Cristina gave her.

“Sit down,” Addison commands and Meredith sat down slowly, “I don't want to eat,” Meredith said and frowned.

“Mer..” Addison said, she was thinking about how to make Meredith eat.

“Addie you are my girlfriend but that does mean you will going to do that. We are not ready to tell people right? What if it will affect your---” Addison gave a peck on Meredith's lips.

Making Meredith to smile, “I will go everything that I like, I don't care about them,” Addison said and put the salad in front of Meredith.

“Addie.. I don't want to eat..” Meredith said and groaned. Addison sat down in front of Meredith and smirked, “Okay, no eating, no make out when you got home,” she said and shrugged her shoulders.

Meredith gasped and looked at the redhead as it gets the salad.

“You are not serious,” Meredith said. Addison looked at her seriously, “I am serious, you can't touch me. You can't kiss me. You can't lick me. I will not going to touch you. I will not going to make you moan and scream. Am I not serious? I am deadly serious, Meredith Grey,” she said and Meredith took the salad on the redhead's hand..

“Fine!” Meredith said and ate. Addison can't stop but to giggle when she saw Meredith's pout.

“I really hate you right now,” Meredith said and burp. Addison took the container of the salad and wiped the blonde's lips. “I love you,” she said and kissed the nose of Meredith.

“I love you too,” Meredith said and smiled.

“Rest now, love,” Addison said and kissed the temple of Meredith, who yawned.

Addison and Meredith slept with each other, the blonde's face was crooked at the redhead's neck.

They sleep happily together.

A/N: Lame? Yeah. I am running out of ideas 😭

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