Y o u A r e N o t!

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Something is wrong with her wife. She knew it, but she can't pinpoint what is it. Meredith was intently looking at Addison, who was busy reading her patients chart. Or that is all she thinks, who was a busy person reading a chart that is upside down? Her wife only.

Addison was staring at the letters but she can't understand what is written on it. She was thinking deeply, her thoughts was interrupted by someone who wrapped her/his arms on her waist. She jumped a bit and saw her wife. Addison smiled and Meredith tiptoe and kissed the side of the neck of Addison.

“Good morning,” Meredith whispered, Addison smiled and kissed the blonde's lips. “Good morning,” she said and Meredith was looking intently at her. “What?” Addison asked. Meredith smiled and shook her head before getting the chart and put it upside down. Addison blushed and pouts her lip.

“You were thinking deeply to the point that you don't noticed that you are reading your patient's chart upside down?” Meredith asked. Addison looked away, a sign that she was hiding something. Meredith held her wife's hand. “Addie..” she said softly. Addison bit her lip, “I am fine, Mer,” she said and let go of the blonde's hand.

Meredith's eyebrow furrowed, she sighed and looked around. She saw Derek, who was smirking at her.

She rose an eyebrow and rolled her eyes. Then she realized something, Callie.

She went to the ortho surgeon and wait for Callie inside her office. It was just a minute when she heard Callie and Addie entered the room. She remained silent until she heard her wife sighed.

“You haven't told her yet? Addie she is your wife!” Callie said. Meredith carefully looked up the desk where she hides. She saw how tears flow on her wife's eyes.

“How? I will say HEY MER YOUR EX BOYFRIEND SAID THAT I WILL CHEAT ON YOU ALSO, then boom I will let her go? I can't Callie! I am in love with Meredith so much!” Addison said and sobbed on her friend's shoulder. She saw how Addison flinched when Callie rubbed her shoulder.

“Omygosh, he didn't just said those things on you?!” Callie hissed and she dragged the redhead's white coat. Callie gasped when she saw how a bruise was on the redhead's shoulder.

Meredith's eyes widened, “Please tell me that you will say this to your wife,” Callie said. Addison wiped her tears, “What my wife don't know, will not going to hurt her,” Meredith knew that Addison is too stubborn to say this on her. Addison looked at the door, Callie's eyes widened when she saw Meredith.

Meredith put her one finger on her lips, sign to Callie to shut up. The latina silently nodded her head. She was also not okay with Addison putting herself on harm.

“What if he kill you?” Callie asked. Addison looked at her friend, “Then I'm dead,” she said and shrugged her shoulder. Addison and Callie (and Meredith) jumped when someone knocked the door.

“Dr. Torres, can I have a moment with Dr. Montgomery?” someone asked. Meredith knew that it was Derek. She nodded her head to Callie, who nodded her head. When Addison and Derek was gone. Meredith stood up and Callie is with her.

They followed them. They were silent the whole time. Meredith saw how Derek slammed the redhead on the elevator door. She stood up and was about to go when Callie held her arms. Meredith shook her arms and walked towards the elevator.

Derek was on panic while her wife was shocked when she saw her. She saw how Addison hide the pain of her back. Meredith smiled to Derek and she kissed Addison's lips.

“Good morning, Dr. Shepherd,” Meredith politely said. Derek nodded his head but his fist was clenched. Maybe because of the kiss she gave to Addison. The door dings and it opened. But no one entered. The elevator door closed again. Meredith can't handle it anymore. She pushed the emergency button and looked behind. Her anger boiled when Derek was holding Addison's jaw.

Derek's eyes widened and let go of the redhead, “Meredith it's not what it looks like!” he said. Addison fall on the floor. Meredith smiled, dangerously. She walked towards Derek, who was smiling.

Meredith hold Derek's shoulder and her knee meet his groin. “ACK!” Derek yelps in pain. Addison's eyes widened and she was about to hold the blonde, when Meredith punch his nose and cheeks. She even grips his collar to punch his eyes.

“MEREDITH!” Addison said, she wants to hold the blonde but she was too weak. She pushed the emergency button. When the elevator opened, Dr. Webber, Dr. Bailey and Karev was on the door.

Meredith was punching Derek while Addison was on the side. “MEREDITH GREY!” Dr. Bailey screamed. Meredith held Derek's collar and stood him up. “You piece of a shit. You don't have the rights to hurt my wife, understood?!” she said and shake the unconscious doctor. Karev pulled Meredith away from Derek, who fell on the floor. Dr. Bailey helped Addison, while Dr. Webber helped Derek to stood up.

“GET OFF ME!” Meredith hissed while glaring at Derek.

“What's wrong with you Mer? Jeez!” Alex said. Meredith was glaring at Derek, “That man threatens my wife!” when she let go of Alex's arms. She walked towards Addison who was so shocked. She pulled down the redhead's white coat. Bruises are all over Addison's shoulder and even back. Dr. Bailey, Dr. Webber and even Alex's eyes widened.

“M-mer..” Addison said softly. Meredith's fist are numb. She can't feel them. She looked at Addison and shook her head, “You don't trust me enough to say this to me,” she said. Pain crossed the redhead's face when Meredith's tears fall.

Meredith heard Derek's scoffed. “She will cheat on you, when you are not paying attention on her,” he said. Meredith gritted her teeth and run towards Derek. Alex held her hands. “She will not going to cheat on me Shepherd! She also will not going to cheat on you if you are there! You asshole! Let go of me! I will kill him!” Meredith hissed. She was shaking from anger. She gasped when something was injected on her neck.

Her visions get blurry and she saw Dr. Bailey standing behind her, injection was on her hand.

Addison's tears fall when she held Meredith on her arms. “She's angry, and we need to calm her down,” Bailey said. Dr. Webber and Alex pulled Derek away. Addison scooped her wife and put her on a room. Bailey and hers waited for Meredith to be conscious again.

Meredith groaned, Addison hold her arms. When the blonde sat down, she saw Addison.

“Wifey,” she said and pulled Addison towards her. She kissed the redhead's forehead. She cupped her face, “Are you okay?” Meredith asked. Addison held Meredith's hand and kissed them. The blonde flinched when she felt kisses on her fist.

“He's gone, I am here, I am okay,” Addison said. Meredith cupped her wife's cheeks, “Please, don't do that again,” she said and Addison nodded her head.

A clear of throat make them to look up. Bailey's one eyebrow rose up, “Meet Dr. Torres. You will be out in the or for 2 weeks. Chief said it. Don't say any protest. Dr. Montgomery-Grey, get your wife's ass out here,” she said and left.

Meredith looked confused, “Why do Bailey looked so mad at me?” she asked. Addison's eyebrows furrowed, “You beat Derek into pulp, he can't even stood up on his own feet,” Addison said. Meredith's jaw clenched when she heard his name again, but her face softened when Addison kissed her.

“I hate how you make me so soft,” Meredith said and pouts her lip. Addison giggle and kissed the blonde's side neck.

“I love you,” Addison whispered while still kissing Meredith's neck. Meredith tilted her head up, giving access for her wife, “I love you too, wifey,” she said and moaned when Addison sucked her neck.

“You are not a whore, you will never going to cheat on me,” Meredith said, making Addison to leave some marks on her bare neck. Addison stopped and looked at the blonde, “I am not?” She asked. Meredith smiled and kissed Addison's cheeks, “You are not,” She said and kissed Addison's neck.

“Maybe you both continue that later because I need to examine her fists,” Callie said making Addison and Meredith to jumped. They both blushed when Callie smirked. Addison playfully rolled her eyes and kissed the blonde's lips, “See you later, love,” she said and left.

When Addison left, Meredith was smiling like an idiot. “You are too much in love with my bestfriend,” Callie said and examine Meredith's fist. “Yeah, I am,” Meredith whispered.

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