H e y! T h a t's M y W i f e!

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Meredith sighed deeply as she entered the on call room. Addison smiled as she looked at her wife.

"Why so stupid Mer," Meredith said on herself.

Addison frowned but kept her mouth shut.

Meredith lay down the bottom bunk bed and still cursing herself.

"He can just say I am doing it wrong, now I am guilty because I did something wrong on the closing part," Meredith said and sniffed.

Addison's jaw clenched, she sighed, making the young blonde to jumped a bit. Moving down the top bunk bed to the bottom, Addison sit down beside Mer, "Can you not?" she said softly, wiping her wife's tears.

Meredith hugged her, "Hm??" Meredith asked.

"Stop cursing at yourself, that's my wife you are talking about," Addison whispered, combing her wife's hair as Meredith lay her head on Addison's lap.

Meredith blush lightly as she nod her head slowly. Addison bend down a bit to kiss her wife's forehead, "You should take some rest, you did well today, loves," Addison said. Meredith smiled, "You are so good to me," Meredith whispered.

"I am just telling the truth, take a rest okay? I will wake you up when your pager went off," Addison said. Meredith frowned then sit down, Addison's eyebrows furrowed. Meredith pushed her shoulder down, crawling above her wife's upper body.

She lay down and hugged her wife, "Hm... Much better..." Meredith said before burying her face on her wife's neck.

Addison smiled, "Always,"

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