D i d Y o u D i g?

621 28 13

A/n: Warning, so dark(yet satisfying, kidding)

Meredith came in on the trailer and smiled at Addison, "Hey, have you seen Derek?" the blonde asked.

Addison wipe the stove while packing some clothes, "He's on the woods, outside," she said and gave Meredith a cup of coffee.

The blonde looked confused, "He's not... Outside... I haven't-wait why are you packing Derek's things?" the blonde asked as she sipped the coffee.

"Derek cheated again," Addison said, Meredith almost spit the coffee on the redhead.

"AGAIN?! that asshole-wait-its not me right?" She asked. Addison shake her head, "It was the nurse," she said.

"Oh... Okay, uhm s-sorry," Meredith said and hugged the redhead, who just smiled a bit.

"Are you sure he is outside?" Meredith asked again. Addison nod her head.

"Weird, I haven't seen him outside," Meredith wonders.

"Did you dig in?" Addison asked. Meredith looked confused.

"You said he's on the woods, why do I need to dig in?" The blonde asked.

"You should dig in the ground to see him," Addison calmly said, Meredith's jaw dropped.

"Dig in, Mer," Addison said and shrugged her shoulder.

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