s t a r v i n g

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"I'm starving," Meredith whispered on herself. Addison looked at her.

"You can eat me," Addison said and smirked.

Meredith's eyes widened as she blushed.

"What?" Derek asked from the telecom.

"Wait, what?" Mark asked as he shoved Derek away from the telecom.

Cristina chuckles while Callie looked amused. They all looked at Bailey.

"No, I will not going to ask, and for Christ sake, YOU ARE OPERATING A PERSON, STOP FLIRTING OR WHATEVER YOU CALL IT, EAT EACH OTHER LATER," Bailey said when Addison was biting her lips and Meredith was swallowing hard.

They both jumped a bit when they heard Bailey, then blushed.

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