h u m m i n g

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In which people knew that Addison and Meredith hates humming but..

It was a unusual shiny morning in Seattle, no trace of raindrops. The sun was all up, the birds are singing in the air. It was a peaceful morning.

Mark Sloan entered the elevator and pressed the 4th floor button, he waited until it closed but a hand stopped it, it turned out, Derek Shepherd.

Mark smiled at him and Derek smiled back, he also pushed the 4th floor. When the elevator goes at the second floor, Meredith Grey, who was smiling so shiny and looked so happy entered the elevator, pressed the 3rd floor button.

The two men was simply looking at the back of the intern, curiously asking each other by stares on why do a dark and twisty Meredith was all of a sudden, a shiny and bright one, that morning.

They both froze when they heard her hummed..

(this is what she is humming)

🎶 She is, she is a lady and I am not a boy 🎶

The elevator stopped from the 3rd floor, Dr. Grey smiled at them, “Have a good day ahead, Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Sloan,” she said before turning her heels and walked.

Mark and Derek was still shocked with what happened, before the elevator closed, Addison Montgomery entered the elevator, pressed the 4th floor.

Aside from Meredith, Addison was also bright and shiny that morning. The two women are bright and shiny. Smiling like something good happened. Meredith was known with her no emotion face, Addison was known with her bitch face. But today was an exception.

They are smiling, something happened yesterday?

Mark gasped softly, while Derek was shocked again. Addison was humming the same tune Meredith was humming.

🎶 She is, she is a lady and I am not a boy 🎶

The elevator stopped from 4th floor, Addison walked towards the elevator door, she holds the door, “Isn't it your floor also, Dr. Sloan and Dr. Shepherd?” she asked and smiled. She turned around and they both rushed towards the door.

“Is it just me.. Or they're humming the same tune?” Derek asked, Mark laughed, “That is the same question I was about to asked you,” They both went different direction, to save lives.


7:27 * 9th day of June, 2021

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