a n s w e r m e!

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Meredith was tearing up while trying to wake Addison.

"Babe!!! I need to ask you something," Meredith said.

Addison sat down and rubbed her eyes, "What is it babe?" she asked and yawned. She let Meredith sat on her lap.

"Do you like me?" Meredith asked. The question make Addison to wake up. She blinked few times while looking at Meredith, who is teading up.

"Babe, I married you," she said softly, she wipe her wife's tears.

"Yes, but did you marry me as a friend or a wife? So unclear," Meredith stated with a cute pout on her lips.

Addison looked at the corner of the bed, she sighed and look at the blonde. "For Christ sake, Meredith Catherine Montgomery Grey, it's 3 freaking a.m!" she said.

Meredith's tears fall down, Addison coo her. She stroke her hair, "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to, I marry you as a wife," Addison coo the blonde.

"B-but on my dream you married me as your friend," Meredith whispered. Addison chuckles and rubbed Meredith's belly.

"Please, sleep, our baby needs sleep," she whispered and cuddled the blonde until she fell asleep.

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