h e n r y

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A/N: Sometimes I am weird and I can think this kind of questions out of nowhere-😭🙂 Enjoy 😂

Addison was running to get Henry, who was running away from her mother when Meredith entered their house. “I'm home!” Meredith said, Henry run towards Meredith, while Addison scoffed and her both hands are on her hips.

She walked towards the blonde and kissed her lips, Meredith kissed Henry's forehead and smiled. “What did you do to Mommy?” she asked suspiciously. Henry pouted his lips and make a puppy eyes.

“That will not going to work,” Addison said and get the box of pizza on Meredith's hand. She put it on the counter. Meredith and Henry looked at each other.

“Mommy wants me to take a bath! It's cold,” Henry tries to reason out.

“What is the use of hot water in the bathtub?” Addison asked, one eyebrow rose up when she looked at their youngest son.

“But..” Henry said. Addison gave her son a stern look of Satan. She knew how afraid their children on that look. Meredith chuckles, “I will going to handle him,” Meredith said and was about to get Henry when the child looked at Addison.

“Fine Mommy, I will take a bath but I have a question,”  he said. Addison sighed and sat down on the chair while Meredith stood up next to Addison. Henry gave them his boyish naughty grin.

Oh Lord here he goes again..’ Meredith and Addison said at the back of their head.

“You are an obgyn right, Mommy? You deliver babies, you monitor babies, you take care of laboring Mommies? ” Henry asked. Addison nodded her head, even though she is amazed on how Henry knew her job. “Why is it so bad on not to take a bath for 3 days?” Henry asked again.

Addison sighed, “Because you will going to get dirty and that is when you began to seek bacteria around you causing  for you to get sick,” Addison explained and looked at her wife, who nodded her head, sign that she is agreeing with Addison.

The grin never left their youngest son. “When I am on your womb for 9 months did I take a bath?” that question made Addison's eyes went wide while Meredith's eyebrow furrowed.

Meredith starts to laugh when she realized her son's question, Addison slapped her wife's arm and glares. Meredith did her best to stop from laughing. Addison massaged the bridge of her nose, “Henry take a bath now,” she calmly said. Henry laughed, “I can live without taking a bath for 9 months in your womb, Mommy. So I can live without taking a bath 9 months also outside your womb, right?” he said and wiggle his eyebrows.

Addison gave him a serious look, she knew she never going to win on their witty son, “HENRY EVANS MONTGOMERY GREY..” She said. Henry's eyes widened and in an instant, he jumped off the chair and ran towards his room.

“I LOVE YOU MOMMY AND MOMMA!” He shouted. Addison looked at Meredith, “But he is right,” Meredith said and chuckles.

“He's just getting excuse on not to take a bath,” Addison said. “But yeah he has a point,” Addison said again. Meredith laughed so hard, while Addison playfully rolled her eyes.

How are you after all of my updates guys?

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