p a s s i o n w h a t?

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A/N: Why not Addison craving this time? *smirks* Also Tedstina are mentioned here and Izzie&Alex 👉👈

“Mer..” Addison whimpered while shaking her wife's shoulder, who is sleeping peacefully and take note, softly snoring.

“Hmm..” Meredith groaned and hugged the redhead. “M-mer.. I want to eat,” Addison said, Meredith suddenly sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“It's 1 in the morning Addie,” Meredith said while looking at the clock, then looked at her wife, who is now carrying their 5 months old baby boy.

Addison was pouting and tears formed on her eyes.

‘How can I even resist her if she's making that face?’ Meredith asked herself before cuddling Addison again.

“What do my gorgeous wife wants?” Meredith asked and kissed Addison's lips.

Addison smiled and looked at Meredith, “Passion fruit,” Addison said and Meredith looked at her wife.

“Passion what?” she asked. Addison chuckles, “Passion fruit!” Addison said and smiled.

“Okay, where to buy that not familiar fruit?” Meredith softly asked, Addison's smile fades away.

“Oh, there's no passion fruit in here,” Addison said. “This fruit is intensely cultivated in Hawaii, Australia, South Africa, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. The sweet granadilla is cultivated all over South America, as well as in Hawaii and Kenya.” Addison said as if she was google. (tbh, I searched it first👉👈)

Meredith can't help but to smile at her wife. “You memorized that or you used google to search it?” the blonde teased the redhead. Addison playfully rolled her eyes. “I saw it on internet and now I am craving for it,” Addison said and frowned.

“Wait, did you just say Hawaii?” Meredith asked. Addison nodded her head. The blonde immediately took her phone and dialed someone.

“Hmm.. T-teddy w-wait a-ah..” Addison's eyes widened while Meredith blushed.

“Who's that?!” Addison asked. Meredith mouthed Cristina.

Addison's mouth shaped ‘O’ when she realized that it was Teddy and Cristina's honeymoon in HAWAII!

“Cristina? Hello! I just can you buy me a passion fruit?” Meredith asked.

“WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR HONEYMOON, I AM MAKING LOVE WITH TEDDY AND YOU CALLED BECAUSE YOU WANT A PASSION WHAT?!” Cristina yelled, Meredith took her phone off her ears and put it on speaker mode.

“This is Addison, I am craving for it, please?” Addison used her sweetest tone. They heard Cristina's scoffed and Teddy's laughed on the phone.

“Oooh.. T-teddy w-wait!” Cristina gasped, Meredith's breath hitched while Addison chuckles.

“Dr. Altman, stop munching Cristina we need to talk to her,” Addison said and Meredith chuckles.

“Yes! I will buy you many of it! I'll hang up! I'm almost freaking there!” Cristina hissed. “CRISTINA?!” Teddy yelled. “What? You are on my knees there, licking me up, that is my person and her wife wants passion whatever it is. I am just telling the truth,” Cristina said, forgetting to end the call.

Meredith and Addison starts to laughed.

“Omygosh--I'll hang up!” Cristina said and ended the call.

“Satisfied? They will come home tomorrow,” Meredith said, Addison looked at her wife.

“What?” Meredith asked, Addison chuckles. “Do you know how I freaking love you?” she asked. Meredith smirked “Oh believe me or not, I know how deeply you love me, now we need to sleep because it's already 2:30 in the morning, Mommy Addie,” Meredith said, Addison can't help but to blush. “Good night, Mama Mer,” she whispered and buried her face at the blonde's neck.

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