D r e a m

870 22 6

A/n: Jeez, my last update was in the 9th day of August. Okay, I need to update now. How are y'all?


"Mer..." a voice from nowhere makes Meredith to stir. She smiled while her eyes was still close. She slowly opened her eyes. Her baby blue meet someone's greenish blue eyes.

"Addie.." she whispered. Addison smiled and make her sit on the bed. Meredith looked around, her smile failed as she confusingly looked at Addison.

"So many white roses.." Meredith whispered as she picked the white rose petals on the bed. Addison chuckles and kissed her cheeks. Meredith closed her eyes to feel her lover's warm kiss.

"I love white roses," Addison said, making Meredith's eyes to open. "Addie, we both know that you don't love roses, especially white," Meredith playfully said and hugged the redhead to her waist.

"I know," Addison whispered. Meredith looked at her lover, she kissed her lover's nose and Addison giggle.

"Where are we? You kidnapped me again," Meredith playfully said and groans. Addison laughed and pinched the blonde's cheeks.

"Nope, I didn't kidnap you. Welcome to paradise," Addison said. Meredith shivered with what Addison said.

"Paradise?" she asked but Addison didn't heard her. Meredith looked at Addison, she is wearing white gown. She looked at herself and she was wearing white pantsuit also.

"Let's go, Mer," Addison said and hold Meredith's hand, the blonde didn't say anything and stood up.

"No, it can't be..." Meredith whispered. But she set aside those warning feelings. Addison kissed her forehead, "Say hi to Amber okay? I will going to miss you," Addison said. She smiled even though she was confused but when she saw Addison, smiling while running.

Meredith froze when Addison was fading.

"A-Addie.." she whispered. She ran towards the redhead, she can hear the giggle of Addison but she can't see her. Anymore.

"ADDISON!!!" she shouted as she opened her eyes and sat down. She looked around, she was on their house.

Meredith was still panting, the door of her room opened. Amelia and Maggie was rushing towards her.

"What's wrong?" Amelia asked.

"We heard you shouting," Maggie said.

Meredith looked at them, she silently stood up and walked out her room. She stopped on the middle of the hallway.

"Mommy!!!" a voice from a room makes Meredith to smile. She opened her arms, the baby girl jumped to hug her.

"Good morning too, baby girl," Meredith said and kissed the whole face of the baby. The baby girl giggle, Meredith smiled when she saw it's eyes. Ginger hair. The baby girl reminds her of one person. Addison.

"It was.." Amelia trailed. Meredith nodded her head to stop whatever she will say. She cupped her daughter's face and the babg girl giggle.

"What about we take a bath and we go somewhere?" Meredith said. Her daughter's eyes lit up as she jumped and jumped. She stopped and looked at Meredith, "Ish Aunth Ameyia and Aunth Magwie gwo with ush?" she cutely asked.

Meredith shook her head, making her daughter to pout. Amelia pat the baby girl's shoulder and smiled, "You will visit someone who is close in your Mom's heart. And Aunt Maggie and I need to save lives," Amelia explained.

Her daughter looked at her confusingly, tears form on her eyes. "Y-you hawve othwer dwaughter?"

Meredith can't help but to smile. 'She is like her Mama' Meredith pinched the baby girl's cheeks and wipe her tears.

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