P o s s e s s i v e

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Cristina sighs as she put the chart she is reading. Meredith rose an eyebrow while removing her coat. "What's with the long face?" she asked her person. Cristina frowned, "My next surgery was... 3 hours.. What will I ever do on that 3 hours vacancy!?" she asked. Meredith chuckles of how horrified Cristina was.

"And that stupid door, everyone was passing in and out there," Cristina said. Meredith looked at the door that Cristina was talking about. Mark Sloan and Teddy Altman went out the door, talking about something.

She grins when her person frowned. "Bitter," Meredith teased. Her person smack her head and open the boring chart again.

"Have you seen-"

"She's in surgery," Cristina answered, not even letting her person finish her sentence. Meredith sighed. It's been so many hours since she saw her wife. Wait-in bed. Then Addison was paged.

"Let's have a bet," Cristina said and smirked, Meredith looked suspiciously at her person.

"Whoever walk out that door you need to kiss her or his cheeks," Cristina said. Meredith frowned and was about to protest when her person cover her mouth, "If you did, I got your lunch for 2 weeks," Cristina smirked when Meredith's eyes widened.

"This is cheating," Meredith said and frowned. "I'll tell her, I got you," Cristina said. Meredith shake her head, "I'll buy you 2 weeks lunch, I won't cheat on Addison," Meredith said and shrugged her shoulder.

Cristina's eyes widened, "You are so KJ," She said and frowned, throwing a piece of a tissue on her person. Cristina's jaw dropped when she saw someone coming out the door.

"You sure you don't wanna kiss that person?" Cristina asked, grinning. Meredith looked behind, her eyes sparkle the moment she saw those sapphire pair of eyes..

Addison was walking towards her, Meredith wrapped her arms around her wife's neck and kiss her lips. "I missed you," Meredith whispered.

Addison smiled, "I missed you too," the redhead whispered back.

Cristina fake a cough, "Oh just get a room," She said and sighed.

"I'm expecting the 2 weeks lunch for my wife," Addison said and held her wife's wrist and dragged her at the canteen.

Cristina's jaw dropped. Meredith looked confused at her wife. Cristina suddenly run to the door and was shocked on what she saw.

* a bit of a flashback *

Addison sighed and walking towards the door when she heard Cristina and Meredith's conversation. She hold Derek's shoulder and turn him around. Addison saw Alex and make him sit the couch before even going out on the door. Derek and Alex smirked when they heard Cristina and Meredith.

Addison suddenly get the rope near the desk and tied Alex and Derek together. And she get out.

* end of flashback *

Meredith giggles softly as she placed a kiss on her wife's cheeks. Addison grins, "Do you really think I will let other people kiss you? No way, you are mine," Addison whispered on her ears. Meredith bit her lower lip. "You are mine too," Meredith whispered, this makes Addison breaths out on her wife's ear.

"So possessive," Addison teased. Meredith smirked, "Should I own someo-hmm" Addison kissed her lips to stop her from finishing her sentence. Meredith pulled away, her cheeks burned when she saw that most of the people on the hospital was looking at them.

a/n: sorry for not updating, I'm really lazy and have zero inspiration lately. Sorry. Have a nice day ahead!!!

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