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Meredith turned around and groaned, she tries to hug her wife, but nothing is on the side if the bed. She rubbed her eyes and sat down.

Meredith looked at the alarm clock on the cabinet near their bed and saw that it was just 2 in the morning. She frowned and looked for Addison.

She saw Addison on the balcony, sitting on a chair while her laptop was on her lap. Addison was typing on something, Meredith yawned and stretched her arms.

She really hates when she can't feel her wife besides her when she woke up.

And it's just 2 am.

“Baby..” Meredith whispered, she's too lazy to get out on the bed. Addison stratled and looked on her back.

Addison can't help but to smile, Meredith was pouting while looking at her.

‘Such a baby..’ Addison said at the back of her head.

“Baby..” Meredith said again, Addison closed her laptop and smiled. She stood up and began to walked towards their bed.

She kissed Meredith's forehead and took her eyeglasses off.

“What are you doing?” Meredith asked. “I'm just.. Reading something,” Addison said and smiled. She sat besides Meredith.

“Reading emails? It's just 2 am..” Meredith said and hugged the redhead's waist. She was about to open the laptop when Addison put it on the cabinet near their bed.

Meredith looked suspiciously at Addison, “What?” Addison asked and chuckles.

“What are you hiding?” Meredith asked, she knew something was off on her wife.

Every day Addison was looking at her laptop.

“What? Nothing,” Addison said and did not looked at the blonde's eyes. Sign that she was hiding something or lying.

Meredith straddle at Addison's lap and took their laptop.

“Hey!” Addison said and hold the laptop. Meredith widened her eyes, “What are you hiding, Mrs. Montgomery-Grey?” she asked, she knew it was Addison's weakness to be called like that.

“N-nothing, we need to sleep now Mer,” Addison said and kissed Meredith's neck.

“That will not going to work, take off your hand on OUR laptop,” Meredith warned the blonde. Addison pouted her lips, “J-just d-don't tease me!” Addison said and blushed.

Meredith was so confused, “Okay what did you do?” she asked to her wife.

“I ahm saw this uh website..” Addison whispered, Meredith's eyebrow rose up.

“Ao3.. Ahm just a website,” Addison said, Meredith opened the laptop.

“Baby!” Addison said but it was too late, Meredith already saw it.

Meredith's jaw dropped, “Don't. Laugh. At. Me.” Addison warned and glared at her wife.

Meredith tried her best but she can't. She laughed so hard. After a few minutes, she saw Addison's pout, she did her best to stop laughing.

“You are reading fanfics?” she asked, Addison blushed so hard and sighed. Nodded her head and buried her face on Meredith's neck.

“So, this is what you are doing when you are up 2 am always?” Meredith asked, Addison nodded her head. Still shy about the fact that she is reading fanfictions.

“I'm sorry okay? I just.. The writers are so good! I can't stop reading,” Addison said and looked at Meredith, who was smiling.

“I'm not embarassed that my wife is reading fanfics okay?” Meredith assured her and kissed her lips. Addison giggle and kissed back but Meredith pulled away earning a groaned from Addison.

“Have you read @satansmedusa's work?” Meredith asked, Addison stopped and think about it. But her eyes widened and looked at Meredith, “Wait, you are also reading fanfics?!” she asked.

Meredith giggle and shook her head.

“I'm not reading baby, I am writing,” she said and winked. Addison's jaw dropped.

A/N: Sorry for not updating daily, and also thanks for the appreciation of my new book cover. I love y'all who love this book so much. Here's an update since I am too lazy to sleep:')

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