d i s t r a c t i o n

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In the midst of the surgery, Addison stopped and looked at Meredith, “Dr. Grey, out.” she said.

Meredith blinked while Mark and Alex looked at each other.

“I'm sorry, Dr. Montgomery?” Meredith asked, Addison looked down. “Out, Dr. Grey. Tell Stevens to go in here,” Addison said and never looked up.

Meredith looked at Dr. Sloan and to Addison, she sighed and went outside the or.

She paged Izzie and pull out her scrub cap and went to the gallery.

Cristina and Meredith was sitting on the bench, “What did you do?” Yang asked, Meredith frowned.

“I didn't do anything,” Meredith said, but the truth is she is doing something.

“Really? Then why did McHottie kicked you out?” Cristina said and rose an eyebrow.

Little did they know is the intercom was on. Dr. Sloan was smirking while looking at Addison, who's really trying her best not to look up.

“I don't know, I was just staring at her..” Meredith said and looked at Addison, “You are staring at her?” Cristina asked. “Face,” Meredith whispered and sighed.

“She's distracted because you are staring at her face?” Cristina asked and looked at the or, Mark Sloan was smirking and pointing the intercom.

Cristina looked at Alex, who shrugged his shoulder. Cristina then realized what Dr. Sloan wants her to do.

“Why are you staring at her face, instead of her magical fingers?” Cristina asked, Meredith sighed “I can't help it. I mean, she's just.. She's amazing okay? I can't help but to look at her face when she's concentrating,” Meredith said and smiled.

“Oh gosh, stay away from me,” Cristina said. “What?” Meredith asked. “Montgomery's turning you into softie. Get away,” Cristina teased the blonde who blushed.

“It's just a crush,” Meredith said, her attention went to the or when Addison dropped the scalpel on the floor.

“Stevens, do the closing,” Addison said and Izzie do it.

The surgery went well, Addison was really happy about it.

She was washing her hand when Meredith showed up.

“What, Grey?” Addison snapped without looking at the blonde.

She heard everything Cristina and Meredith's conversation.

“Did I do something?” Meredith asked. Addison stopped and looked at the blonde, “Yes,” She bluntly said and looked down again.

“What is it?” Meredith asked.

“You are distracting me, Grey,” Addison said while wiping her hands using the towel.

“Distracting?” Meredith asked.

“The intercom was on,” Addison said, Meredith's eyes widened.

“You are distracting me by staring at my face instead of my hand. Instead of studying, you are busy looking at my face. I can't go in the or, thinking about you. About the night before. About those stares of you. I can't concentrate when you are around. You are distracting me,” Addison said, and sighed.

“All I can think is about you, holding me. Kissing me. All about you,” Addison said again, Meredith was just looking at her.

“I'm sorry, for distracting you,” Meredith said. Addison just nodded her head. “1 month, you are away on my service, sorry,” Addison said. Meredith hold the redhead's hand. “Wait, what?” she asked. Addison looked at her, “You are away on my service for 1 month,” she repeat herself.

“That's unfair!” Meredith said and frowned.

“It's unfair that I can't concentrate at my work when you are around. And I found out that you have a crush on me. And you will say that I am unfair? Grey, wake up! I have feelings for you but you chose Derek, and now you were telling me that I am unfair? Really?” Addison blurted out.

“I didn't chose Derek, what are you talking about? You are unfair because you chose Izzie over me. Why? Because she is really good at this and I am not? Yeah, whatever,” Meredith said and scoffed.

“B-but I saw you kissing him..” Addison said.

“That was a goodbye kiss,” Meredith said.

“Sorry,” Addison said and sighed.

“S-sorry too,” Meredith said and looked at the redhead.

“I am serious about the 1 month,” Addison said, Meredith was about to say something when Addison continued, “I can't hold a scalpel if you are looking at me like you seen me naked,” The redhead said.

“Too bad, I already seen you naked,” Meredith said, Addison rolled her eyes. “See? Grey please,” Addison said and Meredith sighed.

“Fine, but..” Meredith trailed and smirked. “You owe me a date,” Meredith said. Addison's jaw dropped.

“Hep hep, you owe me a date, Dr. Montgomery, see you later,” Meredith said and wiggle her eyebrows before stealing a kiss from the redhead's lips and run to the or exit door.

“See you later,” Addison whispered to herself.

A/N: Guys I'm not working yet on your requests, I am still not okay. Have a nice day ahead ♥

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