D o I E v e n M a t t e r T o Y o u?

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"You're drunk," Addison said as Meredith opened the door to their room. The latter sighed and pulled the shoes off her feet.

"On the shoe rack, I know," Meredith said, when Addison opened her mouth. The redhead sighed. Meredith put her shoes on the rack.

"Just.. There's.. A left over on the ref.. Just preheat it, night," Addison whispered and turned around.

A tear escaped on her eyes. She closed her eyes as she tried to calm herself down. Her breathing began to get heavier.

Meredith sighed as she heard her wife's sobs. It was hectic on the hospital.. She get drunk. And her wife was mad. She stood up and twist the door knob. Ready to go, avoiding some fights.. Again.

Addison wiped her tears harshly when she heard the doorknob twisted, she sat down. "I will go to Callie's," she said and stood up. Meredith's eyes widened. She turned around, Addison was already packing her things.

"Wait.. What? Come on! I am tired on my shift! I drank a little! What? You will go!?" Meredith blurted out, her face was all red.

Addison's jaw hit the floor, her eyes widened as she let the tears flow. Meredith froze when she see her wife's tears. She bit her lower lip and looked down.

"It's my fault now? Meredith for Christ's sake, we are both surgeons! You come home late and I do, you got drunk and you smell like someone else, and you will get mad because I will leave!?" Addison said as she gritted her teeth. She clenched her fist.

"What? It's my fault!? And what do you even mean by I smell like someone else!? You think I will cheat on you!?" Meredith hissed.

"DID I SAY THAT!? DID YOU HEAR ME SAY THOSE THINGS!? Oh.. Maybe I should go at the bar and drink with someone else not minding my wife who is waiting for me to come home because I AM FUCKING TIRED!," Addison sarcastically screamed.

Meredith massaged her temple, she held Addison's hand when the latter passed by in front of her, making the redhead to stop.

Addison looked at her, her eyes were tired.. And she was crying.. All night.. Waiting for her.

"Do I even matter to you?"

Addison said and left the blonde behind, who had her heart shattered into pieces..

* * *

Addison went to Callie's that night. Leaving Meredith behind. Callie made her sleep on the guest room, but Addison refused to. She chose to sleep on the couch. Drank a lot. Cried a lot. Alone.

Yes, she made Callie take good care of Zola and Sophia. She was drinking the bottle of tequila, she chuckled when she remember her wife, Meredith.

"She loves Tequila.." she whispered that only she could hear. Drowned herself on her wife's favorite alcohol.

* * *

"Mer? What happened?" Amelia said as she entered the house. It was a full disaster, Meredith instead of going to Addison, chose to destruct every thing she saw.

"She left.. I am so coward to go after her.." Meredith whispered, Amelia walked towards her but she froze when she saw something.

"Mer? Why are you.." Amelia said, she blinks twice.

* f l a s h b a c k *

Meredith was sobbing when she went downstairs. Her heart shattered when she heard Addison's car.

'She really is leaving me..'

She ran outside, screaming Addison's name, but Addison didn't see her. Meredith stumbled down and Addison.. Her Addison left her..

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