O v e r l o a d

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Zola, Ellis and Henry was in the park, with their Mommies, Addison and Meredith.

Cristina and Lexie was with them, looking for the babies, since their Moms having some intimate moments together.

Which made Cristina wanna puke, then Lexie said, they can babysit. So they did let them.

Lexie giggles when Zola poke her side. Cristina was pushing Ellis and Bailey on the swing.

Addison smiled while Meredith kissed her cheeks.

“Another one?” Meredith asked. Addison looked at the blonde, with her eyebrows knitted on each other. Her eyes widened when she realized what Meredith was talking about.

“Another one? Baby, we can't even handle the three of them. Maybe when Ellis was 7? Or Bailey?” she said. Meredith was just looking at her, something like she's admiring her or something else.

Addison chuckles and tap her nose, the blonde blinks.

“Do I have dirt on my face?” She asked. Meredith smiled and shake her head, “Your just cute when you talk about having another baby...” she said, her smile went wider when Addison blushed. She playfully rolled her eyes and was about to swat the blonde's hand when...

Zola, Ellis and Henry was running towards them. Lexie and Cristina was behind them making sure they don't fall on the ground.

Zola climb on Addison's legs, Ellis smiled at Addison and Bailey looked with his puppy eyes.

Meredith, Lexie and Cristina looked at the redhead, amused by how the three child capture the redhead's attention.

Addison looked at them, she get Zola, making the baby sit on her lap. She get Ellis and Bailey and carry them. The three babies suddenly hugged her, making her heart melt.

“Mwommy...” the three said in unison.

“Oh no..” Lexie and Meredith said in unison.

“What?” Cristina asked.

“Shh.. Just look at them,” Lexie said and hushed Cristina.

“Mwommy aytkwim!” Zola said.

“Cweam cweam!” Ellis said and giggles.

“Twim! Twim! Twim!” Bailey said.

Addison was so amused with the three. She slowly grab her purse and get a dollar bill, giving it on Zola, since she is the eldest.

The three kids slowly crawl down, and they ran towards the ice cream vendor, Lexie and Cristina was with them.

Addison suddenly blinks, “What did just happeend?” she asked her wife, who is looking at her with so much amusement.

“They use their cuteness to make you buy them ice cream,” Meredith said and chuckles when Addison's palm landed on her face.

“They're so cute! I can't handle it,” she said and pouted her lips. Meredith suddenly kissed her.

“Cuteness overload?” The blonde asked, Addison chuckles and nodded her head.

“Cuteness overload.”

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