w a i t w h a t?

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‘911 Meredith Grey’ Addison stood up when she saw her pager. Callie was looking confused at her, “What's wrong?” the Latina asked.

“My accident prone girlfriend is on 911,” Addison said and left Mark and Callie, who are amused.

“She's wearing 7 inch..” Callie said and looked at Mark. “Have you heard Addison's carrying Meredith while wearing 8 inch?” Mark said and smirked.

Addison was running to the maternity wing and knocked on the door. The nurse opened the door and Addison smiled when the nurse excused herself.

She saw Meredith standing in the midst of the room, with a baby boy. Dirty blonde hair, blueish green eye color and the baby has dimples on her left cheeks.

“What happened? Are you okay?” Addison asked, she shut the door behind and walked towards Meredith, who turned around, smiling.

“Can you carry him?” Meredith asked, Addison who was really confused gets the baby. The baby boy smiled, Meredith was looking at Addison.

“This is the emergency?” Addison asked, referring to the baby boy who is now playing with her hair.

“Henry Anderson Montgomery-Grey,” Meredith said.

Addison suddenly looked at Meredith. Henry's giggle was the only sound in the room. Addison held Meredith's cheeks when a tear falls on the blonde's eyes.

“I m-mean, h-he was l-left a-alone, and I w-want a b-baby, a-and I k-know w-we d-didn't..” Meredith breaks down and hugged Addison's waist and sobbed.

Addison can't help but to smile at her girlfriend, Meredith's whimpering is really cute.

She really don't know if she will feel pity or smile.

Meredith pouted when she saw Addison trying not to smile.

“You were the one who said, not ready for this,” Addison said and wiped the tears of Meredith and kissed her cheeks. Henry giggle and hold also Meredith's face.

“H-her mother.. W-while Dr. A-altman was operating his mother,  then all of a s-sudden a-all I h-hear was h-her time of d-death, and s-she left this,” Meredith said and gave Addison the letter. Meredith carry Henry while Addison reads it.

Dr. Montgomery and Dr. Grey,

I knew you were a good person, and I am sorry for not telling you how big my heart complications is. I want you two to adopt my son, Henry Anderson is his name. You can change it if you want. Please take good care of my baby boy.


Addison can't process things on the letter, but when she looked at Meredith who is playing and talking to Henry, the redhead suddenly smiled.

Addison walks behind Meredith's back and wrapped her arms on the blonde's waist. She puts her chin on the blonde's shoulder, “This is Momma Addie, I am Mommy Mer,” Meredith said and Henry smiled so bright.

“We will going to adopt him,” Addison whispered to Meredith, making the blonde to smile widely.

“Really? Like adopt? Ours? Our own baby?” Meredith asked, Addison chuckles and kissed the blonde's cheeks. “Yes, we will adopt him,” The blonde was looking at Addison.

“No taking back?” Meredith asked, Addison chuckles, “No taking back,” and when the nurse went in, Meredith gave Henry to the nurse.

Addison and Meredith was walking towards the cafeteria to take their lunch, Callie and Mark was still sittingg on where Addison left them.

They both sat on the two table that are available.

“So, what's the emergency?” Callie asked, Addison chuckles while Meredith blushed. “My accident prone girlfriend wants to adopt,” the redhead said making Mark and Callie to looked at them.

“Wait, adopt? As in?” Mark asked, Meredith smiled and hold Addison's hand. “Yeah, his name was Henry Anderson,” Addison kissed Meredith's hair. “Wow..” Mark said.

Meredith frowned and looked at Mark, trying to get an explanation. “I mean Addison don't want kids, I asked her before and she said she's not into it,” Meredith looked at Addison, the redhead chuckles and shrugged her shoulder.

“You should've seen Meredith playing with our baby,” Meredith was stunned with what Addison said. “Our baby,” Meredith said and Addison nodded her head.

“Our baby Montgomery-Grey,” Callie clapped her hand while Mark was smiling.

“Congratulations then!” Callie said, Arizona, Cristina and Teddy joined the three.

“I'm sorry about Mia,” Teddy said, Meredith smiled sadly. “It's fine, I mean not really fine, but we can't save everyone,” Meredith said, Addison squeezed the blonde's hand.

“Wait, that woman has a baby right?” Cristina asked. Addison and Meredith smiled.

“The baby has parents already,” Arizona said and chuckles.

“We will going to adopt him,” Meredith said, Cristina's eyes widened.

“Did Dr. Montgomery asked you this?” Cristina asked. Addison's eyebrow rose up and a smug smirk was on her lips.

Meredith shook her head, “I was the one who ask her about it,” Cristina looked at her person. She saw how happy Meredith is, “I'm happy for the both of you,” she said.

Teddy chuckles and looked at Cristina, “We can adopt right now if you want?” Yang's eyes widened. Mark smirked. Arizona and Callie looked confused while Addison and Meredith looked amused.

“Omygosh, you two are dating?” Arizona asked.

Cristina blushed while Teddy shrugged her shoulder, “Cristina has been crushing on the cardio goddess since day one,” Addison said and Meredith chuckles.

“Enough of us, so, where is the baby?” Teddy asked, trying to avoid the topic of hers dating Cristina, she knew that Cristina was really shy about it.

The nurse smiled while walking towards them, she's carrying the baby boy.

All of them said, ‘Aaaw’ except on Cristina and Mark.

Addison took Henry and made him sit on the table, the nurse gave Henry's things to Meredith who said thanks to the nurse. And the nurse go.

“Aaw cutie,” Arizona said and Callie holds Henry's hand.

Mark was looking at Addison and Meredith.

Cristina was looking at Teddy, who was also amused by the baby boy. Henry giggle and plays Addison's hair.

“Henry is his name?” Callie asked.

Meredith looked at Addison, they both smiled and said, “Henry Anderson Montgomery-Grey,” and Addison kissed Henry's left cheeks and Meredith kissed Henry's right cheeks. Earning a giggle on the baby boy.

dedicated to greysxcandace for requesting this 👉👈

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