B l o n d e 's R e d h e a d

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"She's with him," Meredith whispered. George, Izzie and Cristina looked at her, "Addison," she said. George looked confused at her. Izzie gasped loudly. Cristina smirked at her.

"The redhead you screw in Boston!?" Izzie asked. Meredith rolled her eyes. She sighed when she saw Derek heading on her. She closed the chart and start walking.

"Meredith," Derek said and walk towards her. Izzie get her coffee and move forward, making Derek to stop and move to the side to get passed on her.

Cristina was still smirking at her person, but she step forward when Derek passed by Izzie. The man groans and tried to passed by Cristina, he passed by her but he heard the 'McBastard' of Cristina.

He was about to run when George open the chart and step forward making him to crash on him and they both fell on the ground. Izzie and Cristina bit their lower lip to stop themselves from laughing. Derek glared at them.

Cristina and Izzie look away, George stood up and helped him.

Meredith was looking behind while walking when she bumped into someone. "Shit, sorry sorry," she said and step backwards. She looked up a bit. Her eyes widened a bit. The person she bumped hold her hand and run to the near supply closet. She almost stripped when the person hold her waist and step forward on the closet.

The door close when Derek look at their position, luckily he never saw them. Meredith sighed and sat on the floor.

"Thank you, Addison," she whispered. The redhead smirked at her.

"Your welcome, blondie," she said and sat also beside her.

Meredith noticed how sexy she is on her skirt and button up. She look away when she saw a bit of her cleavage.

Addison chuckles when she saw the blush crept at the blonde's cheeks. "You saw those already," she whispered. Meredith's eyes widened. "What? It's true, you even suck and knead them?" Addison stated as if it's not a big deal, she even shrugged her shoulder.

Meredith smiled, she shake her head and chuckles. "Never knew you are going to marry a man after what happened on us," she murmured and close her eyes.

Addison bit her lower lip and lean to kiss the blonde's cheeks, she leaned on her ear, "I'm not really his wife," she whispered. Meredith's eyes opened and she looked at her side, a gasped slipped on their mouth as their lips met. Meredith move her head away a bit. They can feel each other's breath.

"What?" she asked, looking at the redhead's green eye. "I'm not married, but I am Addison Shepherd," she said. Meredith frowned, "You are messing up with me, excuse me I ha---" Addison leaned her face towards the blonde's face, lips met again, but this time Addison was the one who pull away.

"I am his sister," she said and leave a peck again on the blonde's lips. Stood up and open the door, Meredith was just staring at her. Addison looked from side to side.

"Seems like Derek is not here anymore, let's go?" she asked.

"Where.. Are we going?" Meredith asked. Addison smirked, "You forgot? I told you, I will date you if I ever encounter you again after we had sex right?" Addison said and hold her hand. They both went out on the supply closet and headed on the cafeteria to start their date.

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