B a d D r e a m s G o A w a y

981 37 11

Prompt Used: Person A waking Person B in the middle of the night because they had a bad dream. (love-me-a-good-prompt || Tumblr)

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"You.. Can't get away from me.."

"I will make sure to kill you.."


Sweats forming on her eyes, a loud gasped slipped out on Meredith's lips as she sat down. Breathing so hard, she looked beside her bed.

'2:47 A.M'

She looked around. Still breathing so hard, hands are shaking so much, she slowly knocked on the upper deck softly.

"Addi--son.." She muttered, grasping air as she remembers the face of the monsters on her dream. Her eyes widened when she saw them on the mirror. "NOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed so loud and covered her ears.

Addison jolted up, hitting her forehead on the wall. "Fuck! Meredith?" she asked, she move a bit and looked at the deck down. She slowly used the stairs to see Meredith.

Addison's eyes widened when Meredith was gasping for air. She move towards her, the blonde is shaking so much. Sweats are dripping her forehead, tears are falling down on her closed eyes.

Addison tried to hold her, carefully placed her hand on the blonde's shoulder, the latter froze and slowly open her eyes.

Meredith sobbed as she hugged the redhead, sleepy Addison, who blinks. She and Meredith is kinda rival. That's why they end up sleeping on one room. Meredith sighed in content, "M-monsters.." Meredith whispered. "Huh?" Addison asked and pull away on the hug, she cupped the blonde's cheeks. She saw how vulnerable the blonde is.

Tears are streaming down at the beautiful blonde's face. Her pale pink lips are trembling too. Addison sighed, "Meredith.. Did you have a bad dream?" She asked the blonde and almost hit herself for how stupid the question is.

'Seriously Addison? Who will be crying over a good dream?' Addison asked at the back of her head and kicked herself a bit.

Meredith nodded her head. "So..someone.. T..try.. to k..ki..kill me.." She stuttered. Addison hugged her tight, rubbing Meredith's back.

"Shhh.. I am here.. No one will harm you, we have a fire extinguisher remember?" Addison asked, Meredith looked at her with an eyebrows furrowed, Addison chuckles, "You don't know? Fire extinguisher has 2 function! 1 if you burn the kitchen.." she trailed, earning an eye roll on the blonde, she continued, "And 2 for people who try to harm you," she assured her, as if it was the right thing to do.. But, who knows right?

Meredith smiled a bit, hugged her again. Addison sighed in content as she feel the heartbeat of the blonde. Then few minutes later, she heard soft snores, with a chuckles she lay Meredith on her bed, lay beside her as she promised the blonde.

Addison stroke Meredith's hair, "No one will harm you, as long as I am with you," she whispered and lay down. Meredith crawl above her and buried her face on the redhead's neck. "Thank you, Addie.." she groggily said, Addison smiled. "I love you, Mer.."

* * *

"Are you kidding me!?" Addison screamed while eating her cereals. Meredith blushed, she looked down as Addison continued, "You are being choked up with a duck!? A fluffy duck?" Addison sarcastically asked.

Meredith's tears are forming her eyes, Addison sighed and massage her temple. "Kids! School bus is here! And Addison, Bizzy said sleep here tomorrow too, she will go back to work!" Richard screamed from the backyard.

Addison sighed again, "Fine.. It was a very scary dream," she admitted, Meredith looked up, her eyes widen a bit.

"R-really?" she asked. Addison nodded her head and wipe her tears, "Let's go.. We need to go to school," Addison said. Meredith smiled and nodded her head.

"Thanks, Addie!" Meredith said and kissed her cheeks. Addison's eyes widened as a red tint crawl over her neck and face.

"Richaard! I think Addison is sick!" Meredith screamed while grinning. Richard went in running and saw how red Addison is.

"Okay.. Get her upstairs, you will going to school tomorrow," Richard said and go to the backyard again.

Addison rolled her eyes as she heard Meredith's YES! with a fistbomb on the air.

"You know what? If you are not cute, I throw you already on the lake," Addison sighed and walk upstairs, Meredith followed her.

"You love me," she teased making the redhead to reddened again. "I heard you, and.. I love you too," Meredith said and smiled.

"Mer.. You are 13 I am 18. Impossible," Addison uttered and sat on the lower bunk. Meredith raise an eyebrow, "Have you ever heard about the 'AGE DOESN'T MATTER?' or on the "GENDER DOESN'T MATTER?' thing?" Meredith asked and sat beside her.

Addison frowned, "Okay.. See? You are too young, and nope... Love is not true," she whispered. "My Mom and Dad don't love me," she sighed and lay down the bed of Meredith, who pouted her lips and lay beside her.

"Well.. Daddy and I love you.. So love exist," she whispered, Addison chuckles and kissed the crown of her head.

"Maybe.. It do exist.." she whispered at the sleeping blonde, again.

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