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The hospital was busy that day, Addison and Meredith didn't see each other. Addison was the first one to go home, she was surprise when she saw Amelia on the couch, watching alone. No trace of Lexie.

“Wow,” Addison commented as she closed the door behind and put her car key on the counter and her coat. Amelia looked up and smiled, “Pizza?” Addison's eyebrow rose up.

“Someone gets laid,” she said, Amelia chuckles and playfully rolled her eyes. “I haven't seen Lexie this whole day, I only sent a message that I will be heading home first,” Amelia said and sighed. Addison nodded her head, “Same as mine, though I sneak a kiss on Mer before going home but nothing more,” Addison said and frowned.

“Our Grey's are busy,” Amelia said and Addison laughed hard.

“Our Grey's? Don't say that in front of Derek, he will kill us,” Addison said and wiggles her eyebrows, Amelia blushed.

“Omygosh, did Derek caught you also?!” Addison asked and gasped.

Amelia blushed even more, “Wait also? He caught you alsooo?” Amelia asked and smirked when Addison blushed and roll eye.

“So, yours first!” Addison said, Amelia frowned but eventually turned off the tv and Addison sat beside her.

“Okay, so here is it..”

Amelia was kissing Lexie in the on-call room when Amelia's pager went off. Lexie groaned but Amelia didn't pull away. “A-amelia, a-answer i-it,” Lexie said in between their kisses when Amelia's phone rang.

Amelia groaned and answered the call, she is sitting on Lexie's lap. Lexie kissed her cheeks then down to her neck.

“Amelia? Where the hell are you!?” Derek asked. Amelia rolled her eyes and was about to turn off the phone when she heard her mother. Lexie pull up the scrub of Amelia, who start to breath hard.

Lexie has a hand of an expert when it comes to women, even though she is always with men. Lexie suck her neck, Amelia groaned then she covered her mouth.

“Where are you Amelia? We will going to New York,” Caroline, her mother said.

“M-mom, I d-don't want to g-go with you!” Amelia screamed when Lexie sucked her breast while the other was being pinched by Lexie's thumb and pointing finger.

Amelia starts to rub her core on Lexie's thigh. “Hmm..” Amelia hummed.  “Amelia we are not complete without you here,” Amelia's eyebrow furrowed. “Derek will come there, no buts,” Caroline said and hang up.

Amelia rolled her eyes. Lexie chuckles, “Is everything okay?” she asked and Amelia looked down, Lexie bit her nipple, making Amelia to arch her back.

“F-fck!” Amelia hissed. Lexie smirked and slid her hand on Amelia's scrub pants and feels Amelia's soaking panty.

Amelia gasped when Lexie move her sexy lacy panty aside and tries to insert her middle and pointing finger on Amelia's soaking core. Amelia starts to move her hips. Lexie hissed and held the small brunette's waist and whispered, “Don't move or I'll stop,” Lexie warned and Amelia gulped and nodded her head.

Lexie starts to move her finger deeper, curling it and hit Amelia's gspot, Amelia held Lexie's shoulder to balance herself from falling.

In. Out. Curl. Suck nipple. Bit nipple.

Amelia gasped when she reached the stars using Lexie's finger. Lexie never stopped, Amelia was panting when she reached her 2 orgasms and 3rd mindblowing one.

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