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"Wow.. You looked like an angel!" a little boy exclaimed, Derek smiled widely as he beamed on Meredith.

Addison rolled her eyes and crouched in front of the little boy, "Where is your Mommy, baby boy?" the little boy's eyes suddenly went wide.

Meredith hold his shoulder and smiled, "We will find your Mommy and Daddy," she said. The little boy opened his arms, Derek immediately get him and pick him up, hitting Addison's shoulder a bit.

The redhead's jaw clenched but she sighed. Derek ignored her and face Meredity, who is secretly looking at the redhead. She offered her hand on Addison, who happily hold her hand and stood up.

Derek scoffed, earning the attention of the three(even the little boy's). Addison, Meredith and Derek looked for the parents of the baby boy.

Derek fake a cough and slap Addison's hand that is holding Meredith's.

"That's bad!" the little boy said and frowned at Derek.

"We forgot his name," Meredith said. Addison chuckles, "What was your name baby?" she asked.

"You forgot my name too?" Meredith asked. The redhead's cheeks blushed, "I am asking on the BABY boy, Grey," she said and chuckles. It's time for the blonde to blushed.

"Awcher!" the baby boy exclaimed.

Addison smiled widely, "You named like my brother huh," she said and smiled.

"Yes, Mommy and Momma called me.. Awfonso.. But.. I pweferred Awcher," the kid answered.

Derek immediately gave him to Addison, who looked confused as Mer and the kid.

"You have 2 moms?" he asked. The little kid nod his head. Addison sighed, she knew where this is going.

"Derek, stop," Meredith said and frowned at him.

"Is.. There.. A pwoblem?" the little kid asked.

"Well.. Yes," Derek said. Before he can say something Meredith get the big lollipop that an intern was holding and plunge it on Derek's mouth.

Addison and Meredith starts walking, leaving the angry man behind.

"He just hate the you know," Addison said.

"Oh.. Homophobic.." the little kid said, his shoulder fell.

"Hey, Derek is kinda a.. Nice guy.." Meredith said.

Addison nod her head as she agree on Meredith.

"Can.. We stop? I wanna tell something on him," the little kid said. Addison stopped and turned around.

The kid smiled widely at Derek.

"Hey, Doctor! Did you remembew that I say you look like an angel?" he asked.

Derek nod his head.

Addison and Meredith looked confused.

"So did Lucifer!" he said and smirked.

Addison and Meredith's jaw dropped.

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