o h s h i t

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Meredith rushed into the elevator and pushed it to be closed, Addison ran towards the elevator and hold Meredith's arms.

“GO AWAY!” Meredith screamed while tears are falling on her eyes.

“Meredith please.. You need to listen to me,” Addison pleaded.


Addison stood up, speechless.

“Did you see the hair color of the woman?” Addison asked.

Meredith scoffed, “You don't know your hair color? Really?” Meredith asked and sobbed. She sat on the floor, and cried.

“What did you see?” Addison calmly asked.

“Mark w-was p-pounding while y-your n-nails are s-scratching h-his back,” Meredith said while crying.

“Mer..” Addison said. Meredith shook her head and stood up. She wiped her tears away.

“No. I don't need your explanations. I want your things off my house,” Meredith said and wait for the elevator to open.

“Really? You will not going to listen to me? That's all?” Addison asked weakly. Meredith tried her best not to look at the redhead. She slowly nodded.

The elevator opened and Mark with a woman was smiling.

Meredith's eyes widened.

“Omygosh,” she uttered. Mark and the woman looked at them.

“Addie! Hey, this is your wife?” the woman asked.

Meredith looked at the woman and Addison.

“You did it on the on-call room?” Addison asked. The woman blushed and sighed.

“It's Mark's fault,” the woman said.

Addison was redhead while the woman was blonde. But the thing is.. They are look alike.

“You two okay?” Mark asked. Seeing Meredith cried while Addison was upset.

“My wife thought that I am cheating on her because he saw you pounding my twin sister on the on-call room,” Addison said. Meredith looked away.

“Pft. Really?!” The woman asked and laughed but stopped when Addison glared.

“Hi, I'm Maddison Montgomery-Sloan, you must be the wife of my sister?” the woman said.

Meredith and Addison can't help but to chuckles.

“I'm Meredith Montgomery-Grey,” Meredith said and shook the woman's hand.

Addison sighed and looked at Mark, “Next time lock the freaking door,” she said and scoffed.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever Sister,” Maddison said and rolled her eyes.

“Momma!” Zola said and run towards them. Addison carry Zola, “Our baby girl, Zola,” she said. The baby girl smiled and buried her face on Addison's neck.

“She's a shy type,” Meredith said and smiled.

“Dada!” A little girl was running towards Mark, who carry her.

“Our baby, Ella,” Maddison said and smiled.

Zola and Ella looked at each other. “Hi!” they both said.

“You know her?” Addison asked, Zola smiled and nodded her head. “She's my new fwend, Momma,” Zola said and waved to Ella.

“Huh,” Mark just said and smiled.

“We better get going,” Mark said and bid goodbye. Maddison kissed Addison's cheeks and bid also goodbye. Ella waved at Zola.

Meredith, Addison and Zola(who was being carried by Addison) walked towards the parking lot.

Addison was silent, which is rare to happen. Meredith sighed and stopped from walking. Addison rose an eyebrow and look at her wife.

“I'm sorry,” she started. Addison sighed and walked again.

“I never knew you don't trust me,” Addison said and put sleeping Zola on her crib inside the car. Meredith sighed and walked towards Addison, she pinned the redhead on the car.

“I'm sorry, I just.. Okay, it's my fault. I'm sorry for accusing you like that, please?” Meredith asked and pouted her lips. Addison was just looking at her.

“It's too childish but I can't help okay? I mean I am jealous and my anger ate me up. I don't want to share my wife. And I am really sorry,” Meredith said and sighed.

Addison sighed and hugged the blonde. “I'm s-sorry baby,” Meredith whispered and began to cry again. Addison hushed her and kissed her forehead. She wiped the blonde's tears.

“Just.. Please before you jump into conclusions ask me first okay? I hate it when people are accusing me because I am an adulterous bitch before,” Addison said, Meredith frowned. “You are not an adulterous bitch. You are my wife. You are amazing. You are one of the babies hero. I love you, and yes I will going to do it, I will not going to promise,” Meredith said and smiled.

Addison leaned to kiss the blonde, who deepened the kiss. Meredith held Addison's shoulder and pinned her waist on Addison's. The kiss became hotter and they both moaned when they pulled away.

“I missed you,” Meredith whispered, Addison chuckles, “I missed you too, baby,” The redhead kissed the blonde's nose. They both startled when they heard Zola's giggle.

Zola was giggling at them, Meredith took the baby, “Do you know that eavesdropping is bad?” Meredith asked and Zola giggle.

Addison opened the door of the passenger's seat for Meredith who smiled and kissed her wife before going in. Addison closed the door and walked to the driver's side. She opened the door and she saw Maddison who was smirking at her. She chuckles and shook her head.

She went inside and drive safely.

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