W h a t I s L o v e?

818 36 3

"Dr. Montgomery, pst, pst," Meredith whispered while Addison passed by in front of her.

Addison stopped for a while and look around, her ga(y)ze landed on Meredith, who is blushing? Or kinda have red tint on her cheeks. The redhead rose an eyebrow when the blonde motion her to come over. She sighed and put the chart down.

The blonde looked around and start walking towards her.

"What is this Grey? Is it about De--" Addison automatically stopped talking when Meredith shake her head. She looked suspiciously at the blonde who is really very suspicious, she looked around like she is hiding on something.

Addison's eyes widened when Meredith smiled at her. She looked at Meredith's hand and saw the blonde holding her pump.

"Are you on morphine?" Addison asked. Meredith bit her lower lip and nodded. The redhead sighed and hold the blonde's arm.

"I will going to take you to you---" Meredith pulled her on the corner. Addison looked at the side. She saw Cristina, Derek and Finn running around, obviously looking for SOMEONE. She blushed when Meredith was looking intently at her.

"I really need to ask you something," Meredith whispered. Addison sighed, she is really tired but she won't let the blonde walk around the hospital alone. She nodded her head and gestured the blonde to enter the on call room.

Meredith smiled and walk inside, Addison entered and close the door. She sat beside the blonde, "What is it that you want to ask me?" Addison asked.

Meredith deep sighed before looking straight at her eyes, "What is love?" she dropped the VERY CONFIDENTIAL QUESTION of her life.

Addison's eyes widened, she rose an eyebrow and looked at the blonde. She sighed when she see how serious the blonde is.

"Why are you asking me?" she asked. Meredith shrugged her shoulder. She lay down and place her head on Addison's lap.

Addison bit her lower lip to stop herself from smiling. She stroke the blonde's hair. Meredith hummed.

"I don't really know why I ask this on you but it feels right," Meredith whispered and looked at Addison again.

"It feels right to ask me what does Love means?" Addison asked, Meredith smiled and nodded her head.

"I mean- I learned how to love because of you, who else was I supposed to ask?" Meredith asked.

A moment of silent..

Addison and Meredith was looking at each other. The redhead opened her mouth then close it again.

Heart beat's racing faster than usual.

Baby blue eyes, looked so innocent, but she knew Meredith is not.

A smile spread on her lips.

Meredith looked confused at her.

"You learn the word love because you love me?" Addison whispered.

Meredith nodded her head, she get Addison's hand and interlaced it on her.


Meredith and Addison's eyes widened when they heard someone. But the blonde stayed that way. She looked up and saw Cristina.

"Wait, she is the love of your life you are talking to me?" Cristina asked. Meredith nodded her head.

"Meet my future wife, Addison," Meredith said.

Addison blushed while Cristina, Derek and Finn's jaw dropped.


They all looked at who is it and surprised that Callie and Bailey was cheering them.

"Finally, she told her," Callie whispered. Addison glared at her.

"It's been weeks," Bailey whispered, Meredith frowned at her.

Meredith cupped her cheeks and leaned to kiss Addison, who smiled and sucked the blonde's lower lip.

"I will marry you soon, Dr. Grey," Addison whispered.

Person A: Hey, what is love?

Person B: Why are you asking me?

Person A: I don't know, 'cus it feels right? I mean- I learned how to love because of you, who else was I supposed to ask?

Prompt from: quick-otp-prompts on Tumblr

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