a d d i c t e d

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Red. Everything that I can see is red when she is around. My ex-boyfriend's ex-wife. Her lips is red. Her hair is red.

How can a person be so elegant and can rock your world with one color only?

I think SHE is the only one who can do that.

Coffee, Dr. Montgomery?” it really feels good to say her maiden name. It suits her, but it will suit Grey as her surname though. Her eyebrow rose up while looking at me.

She closed the binder and stood up, I looked a bit up. She tilted her head like she said a question and I need to answer it.

“You don't want coffee?” I asked, she's eyeing on me. Hello? I didn't put poison on that. Maybe if I can dind love potion, I will put 10 drums of it, so you will fall on me.

Thank you, Dr. Grey. What did you do?she asked, not beating the bush. I gulped as she leaned.

“I didn't do anything. It was a thank you coffee. For teaching me and not treating me like a crap.” I said, I really do wanna thank her. But the coffee is something else. If Burke made Cristina fall in love with him with his coffee, then why not try, right?

“Hmm.. You don't have to do this, Grey. But thank you.” Addison said and kissed my cheeks. I felt all my blood ran through my cheeks, I blinked as Addison smiled at me. My heartbeat raced.

She freaking kiss me!

A welcome kiss.” Addison whispered on my ear, goosebumps spread behind my neck. She stood up and walked away. All I can do was stood up and looked at her.

I am still shocked with what the heck did just happened. I can't help but to smile.

“She's been like that for almost 5 minutes since Dr. Montgomery left.” Meredith looked around her. Izzie, Alex and Cristina was looking at her. While George's puppy eyes was staring at Addison, who was sitting at the cafeteria. Eating with Callie.

“Did Satan do something on you?” Izzie whispered, Meredith glared at her friend. “Don't call her that.” she said. Izzie rose an eyebrow. “Why do you have a lipstick on your cheeks?” Cristina asked, Izzie was about to wiped it when Meredith stepped back.

“Dude what's wrong with you?” Alex asked. Meredith sighed and looked again at Addison.

“You have hots for Dr. Montgomery..” Cristina whispered, her eyes widened when Meredith smiled when Addison looked at her.

All of them gasped, Meredith hissed and telling them to be silent.

“Why are y'all standing there?!” Bailey yelled, they all jumped and scattered.

Meredith smiled while wiping the lipstick off of her cheeks.

Her footnails are painted with red. Meredith can noticed everything when it comes to Addison, she knew it was an addiction but she can't help it.

Good morning, Dr. Grey.” Callie greeted her, she smiled a bit and greeted back.

“Alex is with Addison?” Callie asked, Meredith sighed and looked at Alex and Addison, who are fighting over something.

“Stop eyeraping my bestfriend, Grey. Let's go crack some bones.” Callie teased her, she tried not to blush but she failed when Addison looked at her and winked.

“Such a tease.” Meredith hissed. Callie looked at her, “What?” Meredith shook her head. “Let's go.”

It was expected not to have so many patients when it comes to Ortho, Callie and Meredith's sitting on Callie's office when someone knocked.

Meredith opened the door, her breath hitched when a smiling Addison is popped at the door frame. “Lunch? I bought lunch.” Addison said, Meredith closed the door when Addison went inside.

“I will go for awhile, Dr. Torres. I'll grab some lunch w---”

“I bought you also lunch, Dr. Grey.” Meredith looked at Addison, and nodded her head slowly. She sat besides Callie, earning a weird look on Addison. “I wont bite, Meredith.” Addison said, Meredith chuckles a bit.

“I'm fine here, Dr. Montgomery.” She said, Addison judt shrugged her shoulder. Callie cleared her throat, making Meredith and Addison looked on her.

“Are you two dating or something?” she asked, Addison and Meredith blushed, their eyes widened and jaw dropped.

“What? No!”

“No, Dr. Torres.”

They both said, Callie was not really convince but she nodded her head. While eating Addison took some water for Meredith, while the intern took care of Addison's salad, cutting some cucumber and put it on Addison's plate.

Callie was silently observing, how Meredith smiled at Addison. How the redhead laughed at the intern's joke. It felt like Callie was there but they have their own world.

“Wait.. You have..” Addison said, she leaned and brushed her thumb on Meredith's side lips. The intern smiled and blushed at the same time. Addison seat down and they both talked again. Then Meredith took a napkin and brushed it on Addison's chin.

“For the record of not dating, you both looked like dating. I am still here.” Callie said, Addison and Meredith was startled.

“Cal we are not dating.” Addison said, Meredith nodded her head. Callie was confused, she was about to asked something when Arizona told her, she needs consult. She excused herself.

“So, Callie left. You want to sit besides me?” Addison asked Meredith, who obliged and sat besides the redhead. “I missed you, love.” Meredith said, and pout.

“What's with the coffee?” Addison asked, Meredith laughed. “Cristina said, Burke made her fall in love using a coffee.” The redhead looked at the blonde, “You are kidding me..” the redhead said, “No! I am not.” Meredith said.

“But I am in love with you already!” Addison said and giggle. “I want you to be addicted to me.. Like I am so addicted on you. Until you can't left me.” Meredith said, Addison stopped from laughing. Bring the plate on the table and hold Meredith's hand. “I will not going to leave you.” She said, Meredith smiled.

“I knew it!” Callie shouted, the couple looked at the door. There was standing Callie, Arizona, Cristina, Alex, George, Izzie, Mark, Richard and Dr. Bailey.

“We are not dating..” Addison said they all groaned. Meredith hold Addison's hand and make them see those diamonds in their fingers.

All of them gasped, “We are married.”

YOU GET MARRIED AND NEVER LET ME YOUR BRIDESMAID?!” Callie and Cristina both yelled.

The couple giggled and kissed each other.

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