W r o n g P i c t u r e!

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Meredith insert the card on Addison's hotel and when the door clicks she entered. She smiled when she saw the redhead eating pineapple with Callie and Mark.

Addison looked up and smiled when she saw Meredith, Callie can't help but to chuckles, Addison stood up and welcomed her girlfriend with a hug. Meredith smiled and kissed the redhead's cheeks.

“Good evening, Mer,” she said and Meredith put her coat on the counter and her key to the key behind Addison's car key.

“Good evening, babe,” Meredith said. Addison smiled and let go of the hug when she heard Mark and Callie's groan.

“Friend night tonight? Sorry, I need to go home here, Cristina borrowed my house,” Mer explained.

“It's fine, Mer,” Callie said. Mark nodded his head while his eyes are on the screen.

“Derek was at Joe's,” Meredith teased Mark, who immediately looked at her.

“He is? He said he will going to pick me here?” Mark asked. Meredith and Addison laughed and Callie smirked while Mark's ears blush.

“We are bestfriend,” he said and rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, you almost deep your tongue on his throat on the or before he gets to the surgery today, yeah bestfriends,” Meredith said and smirked. Addison and Meredith sat down on the couch while Callie sat down next to Mark.

“Try to pursue him,” Addison said and starts to munch her pineapple again. “Derek is still in love with Meredith,” Mark said and looked at the screen again.

“I am in love with Addison, try to pursue him. What if he is into you too?” Meredith said.

Mark was just looking at the tv, he became silent. Meredith looked at Addison, she smirked and pull her phone.

Addison was so confused, Callie was also watching. Meredith sat on Addison's lap. The redhead's eyes widened while looking at her girlfriend who bit her lip.

Meredith leaned On Addison's ear and whispered, “Shh..” and bit the redhead's earlobe. Addison bit her lower lip hard to stop herself from moaning.

Meredith was still looking at her phone, she buried her face at Addison's neck and put it on camera app. Addison was confused when Meredith gave her the phone. Meredith whispered, “Take a picture that I am sleeping at your arms,” she said.

Addison who was still confused just go with the flow silently. Meredith acting weird is not new on her. Meredith closed her eyes, Addison posed smiling sweetly while looking at Meredith. She captured it and Meredith sat properly on Addison's lap.

“Thanks babe,” she said and smirked. She gets Addison's phone and put ‘Mer143’ as passcode, she smirked when Addison's cheek turned into a light tint. She kissed Addison's cheeks to her neck. Addison's eyes widened, she slapped Mer's ass lightly.

Meredith smiles at Addison's skin. They are so silent, they are afraid of getting caught by Mark or Callie. Meredith sat besides Addison. She went to the messenger and work on something. Addison gets the bowl of pineapple and eat again.

Meredith chuckles, making Mark, Callie and Addison to look on her but she is too focused on Addison.

“Trying to make my dessert so sweet later huh?” she asked smugly, Addison looked so confused on her.

Mark blushed hard while Callie laughed so hard.

“Damn Grey! Hahahahahaha!” Callie said and laughed again, Mark was chuckling while Addison was looking so confused.

“You want me to bake you some sweet dessert?” she asked. Callie and Mark was looking at Addison.

“She is telling about the other ‘dessert’ you know,” Callie said. Then Addison looked at her bestfriend then to her friend. Then she blushed when she understood what Callie was saying.

“Oh! Oooh! You were saying about my cunt? Or orgasms to be sweet because of the pineapple?” Addison asked innocently.

Meredith's eyes widened while Mark and Callie's jaw dropped.

“Red!?” Mark said, blushing so hard. Callie smirked, “Damn, lesbian Addison is so innocent,” she said and chuckles.

Mark's phone rang, he answered it immediately when he came back he gets his coat.

“Where are you going?” Addison asked, Mark just looked at them. “Uh.. Uhm a friend needs me,” he stuttered. Callie smirked and Meredith chuckles.

Mark left the three women but he waved before he left.

“That was Derek, a broken Derek,” Meredith said and chuckles.

Addison and Callie looked at her suspiciously. “What did you do?” Callie asked. She smirked and gave Addison her phone.

Addison's eyes widened and her jaw dropped when she saw her message to Derek. She showed it also on Callie, who smirked at her friend.

“Nice one, Grey,” Callie said and laughed, Meredith and Callie made an high five.

Meredith did just sent the photo with a caption..

“My girlfriend was sleeping on my arms.. She is so cute..” with a sleepy and smiley emoji.

Addison blushed and looked at Meredith. “What?” Meredith asked. “You were not sleeping here!” Addison hissed. Meredith chuckles, “I know, you captured that right? what do you mean?” Meredith asked again.

“You are sucking my neck here Mer!” Addison said. Meredith's eyebrow furrowed, she checked the picture and her eyes widened when she saw that Addison was right.

Callie chuckles, “Wrong picture!” she said and stood up.

“Where are you going?” Addison asked. “Arizona's out was about 30 mins from now I will get Sofia and Arizona. Good night lovebirds!” she said and left.

Addison frowned but smirked when Callie locked the door. She faced her girlfriend. Meredith giggle and wrapped her arms on the redhead's neck.

“Let's see if it was going to be sweet?” Addison asked and scooped the blonde's legs.

“Bedroom?” Meredith asked innocently. Addison chuckles, “Nah, kitchen. I am eating on table, so I will eat you on the table baby girl,” she said and Meredith wrapped her legs on the redhead's waist. Addison automatically grabbed the blonde's ass to support her and avoid her from falling.

“Let's go!” Meredith said and giggle. Addison kissed her cheeks and walked towards the kitchen.


A/n: My wattpad app just stopped, then I realized that maybe its a sign that I need to update. How are y'all? Did y'all missed me? Hahahahaha! Have a good day ahead everyone!

This fic is dedicated for MerAddStan 💙

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