T e a r s O f M y L o v e s

717 30 2

TW: Suicide.

Addison sighed deeply as the elevator opened, she went out and walk towards her hotel room. She swipe her card and entered, locked the door behind her.

Kicking her heels out her foot as she strip her clothes. Today was terrible, so much. She untie her hair down and tossed her bra somewhere.

Stretched her hand up, neck side to side. She smiled when she saw her lover, under the blanket. "Babe," Addison whispered. She smiled when Meredith sat down, letting the blanket fell down, exposing her body on the redhead, who bit her lower lip.

"I can still see the effect of my boobs on you, Mi Amor," Meredith whispered then sniff. Addison look up on the blonde's eyes and she saw how the tears fell on the blonde's.

Addison quickly crawl towards Meredith and hugged her, the blonde sighed in content as she hugged back, much tighter on the redhead.

"Baby, what happened?" Addison asked. Meredith look up at her, she opened her mouth but tears kept falling her eyes. Addison wipe the tears away and kiss Mer's eyes.

"I'm sorry," Meredith whispered. Addison smiled, "Babe, you didn't do anything wrong," she whispered back.

Meredith sighed deeply, "For not fighting,"

Addison's eyes went wide open, she blinked twice.

Another dream.

Dream about Meredith again.

She wipe her tears away as she sat down, looking around, Meredith was not there.

She sighed as she look beside the cabinet on her bed. The picture of her and Meredith kissing and smiling at each other.

She never knew that... Is the last time she will going to kiss her.

Getting her eyeglass and put them on, she sit down and get her journal. She was about to write when a knock on the door make her look up, her eyebrows furrowed when she saw Callie and Mark running to her hotel room.

Callie kneel down on the other side of her bed, crying so hard. Addison's jaw hit the floor when Callie was holding her body.

A sudden realization hits her. She poisoned herself last night. A tap on her shoulder make Addison look behind.

Meredith smiled sadly at her, "Babe.. Why did you do it?" she asked, sitting beside Addison, who suddenly hugged Meredith.

"I m-missed you s-so much.. it hurts.. so m-much," Addison whispered. Meredith cupped her cheek and wipe her tears away.

"I missed you too so much," Meredith whispered and kissed her lips.

Once again, Addison felt complete on her lover's arms.

"ADDISOOOOON!!!" Callie screamed in pain as she hugged her bestfriend's dead body, Mark called an ambulance, even if it's too late.

Addison close her eyes, tears flowing down, "I'm s-sorry," she whispered.

She opened her eyes and Meredith was offering her hand. Addison hold the blonde's hand and interlaced their fingers together. Standing up and kissing the blonde's forehead once again. Meredith smiled and tiptoe to kiss the redhead's lips.

"Shall we?" Mer asked.

Addison smiled, "Let's go home, my loves,"

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