K i s s T h e P a i n A w a y

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Meredith was sitting on the chair when Addison was busy cooking.

She bit her finger and screamed, "Aw!" earning a glance on Addison.

"You okay babe?" Addison asked, walking towards her.

"I accidentally bit my finger," Meredith said.

Addison's eyebrow rose up, she get the blonde's hand and kiss the pain away, earning a smile on Meredith.

"Thank you," Meredith whispered, Addison kissed her forehead before giving a smile and put her attention on the food she is cooking again.

"I did make stew once," Meredith said.

Addison looked at her, "Wait.. really?" she asked while smiling widely.

"Please don't make me lie twice," she said.

Addison looked confused then she playfully glare at her, "Really Mer?" she asked again and shake her head before chuckling.

Meredith pout her lips, then her eyes widened and she grins. She sat properly, she opened her mouth-

"Don't you ever dare to bit your lip, Meredith Catherine Grey," Addison said and turned around.

Meredith pout her lips, "I miss you, is it not finish? Pleaaaase," she said.

Addison put the stove on low mode before walking towards the blonde and kiss her lips again and again and again, earning soft giggles on the blonde.

"I missed you too, but you need to eat too," Addison said and kissed the blonde's lips once more before pulling away.

"Its almost done, promise, but you will get something for lying," she said.

Meredith gulped then blushed before nodding her head and crossing her legs.

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